peripheral ghosts

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(I drew this during my French class and it came out good)

Y/n pov

Y/n stared at the two people warring masks, the girl one was currently arguing about how it should be "we are the cure " and not "I"

???: nurse, we do have a patient

The woman one looked down at y/n who was looking at them

???: and s cute one
The woman added

Y/n blushed a little but it was to dark to see

???: I scene no sign of the pestilence on you, you are healthy

Y/n didn't know what they were talking about so they said no.

???: they call me 049, but you may refer to me as doctor

The woman one stepped in and jumped up and down

???: yeah and I'm the nurse!!!

Y/n almost smiled at how happy she was

They were almost getting brave enough to talk when Y/n again saw one of the shadowy flashes out of their eye and jumped, they tripped a little and fell backwards into the doctors hands.

049 pov

049 was instantly struck with regret at what had just happened, he hadn't meant to catch the child but had done so by reflex

Nurse: (gasp) no

The doctor prepared to watch the child die, the child quickly stood themselves back up and backed away from them.

???: I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to

The nurse stepped closer and the child tensed up in fear, she placed her hand on y/ns cheek

Nurse: your not dead

???: w-what?

Doctor: anyone who comes into contact with us by touch they die almost instantly. But you survived, who are you young one?

???: my n-name is y/n

Doctor: why are you here child? Unless you are an SCP such as ourselves

Y/n: what's an SCP?

Nurse: special things and people, like us

Y/n: I-I just came here with M-Mary

Nurse: is she your mother? I was unaware she had children

Doctor: she didn't

Y/n: she found me and helped me, I miss her

Nurse: that's ok sweetheart, I'm sure she's fine

The doctor bowed his head
Doctor: I doubt that

Y/n pov

Y/n felt tears in their eyes but tried to hold them back

Nurse: you know it's alright to cry, it's healthy

Y/n let the tears flow and dropped their head

The nurse wasn't used to dealing with kids and she knew the doctor wouldn't help so she did what she thought was right

She hugged them

Nurse: shh, it's ok

Y/n untangled themselves from her and smiled sadly

Y/n: thank you

Y/n felt joy in this moment and smiled, they we're instantly scared again as something placed a hand on their shoulder from behind.

Both the doctor and the nurse didn't react but they did notice y/ns face

Nurse: what's wrong?

Y/n turned more and saw a glimpse of something that looked like a black blur before it moved fast and was gone.

The doctor knelt down to their level and looked into their eyes

Doctor: what did you see?

Y/n: I don't know?

Nurse: 1471?

Doctor: maybe, although I doubt it, they would have had to have been exposed to that mental virus already

Y/n looked at them confused until something popped into their mind.

Y/n: can you help me find Mary?

Nurse: Of course!!

The doctor sighed

Doctor: fine, we can also stop by 053, we need to see if she's ok

Nurse: what about y/n?

Doctor: I have a theory, if they can resist our touch, maybe they can resist her affects as well

Nurse: we should also visit Cain, see if he's ok

Doctor: he of all people should be fine

The doctor turned to y/n

Doctor: we will keep you safe until we find doctor Mary, us anomalies have to stick together

The nurse offered her hand to y/n, they gladly took it as they all started to walk farther down another hallway.

They were passing a large glass window when y/n saw them in the reflection.

The reflection window was a dark humanoid shadow that followed closely behind, y/n quickly turned to see what it was, but saw nothing

(Ok everyone, it has been requested that I make SCP-1471 a female, and I have in this story she is a she)

Please tell me what SCPs you all wanna see next?

(Also due to reasons the black blur y/n saw is not 1471, its......something else)

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