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Y/n was immediately suspicious of the gas mask wearing soldier, the way they spoke was unnerving and slightly threatening

Agent clover: Y’know, I've read your file kid, you aren't all that weird, the only thing you seem to have is an immunity to other anomalies,  you'd make an excellent agent

Y/n felt the danger in that voice but was too slow to react as a cloth was suddenly heald against the child's mouth, y/n fought. Struggling to escape the chemicals but only finding it was too late

Clover: heh, there we go, the coalition will love this, now to ....

Through the child's fading vision they saw a sudden blackness appear in the air, their sight blacked out for a monument and when it returned clover appeared to be being held in the air by something just out of sight

There was a scream and a ripping noise, both followed by two wet thumps

???: ▘▟▔▔▀ ▊▝▘ ▞▊▇ ▝▀▀▔ ▋▇▜ ▜▋ ▇▊▝▘▌

As consciousness left the child's small body they were vaguely aware of the familiar words before they were downed out by the high pitched wailing of emergency alarms

Emergency PA: warning, intruders, chaos insurgency have been spotted MTF Beta-1 responding

Y/n drifted in and out of of dizziness as 5hey fell coughing to the floor, despite all this they were most aware of the feeling of something else in the room, an oddly familiar yet foreign presence


Dr. Buck had been on her way to personally deliver food to her main scp of study when she heard the PA announcement

Buck: (REDACTED), Collingwood! Get Lawrence and meet me at 6549's cell

She shouted over her shoulder as she began running towards the cell, she only stopped once to pull one of the guards side arms out of its holster, not staying long enough to alow the man to Question her

She arrived at the cell and was frozen in place at the scene before her, blood splattered across the walls and ceiling,  pooling on the floor between the two halves of an unknown soldier

Buck: (REDACTED).....

She looked around and found the child SCP slumped against the wall with a good spattering of blood across the front of their orange jumpsuit


The nurse had her hand wrapped around the throat of Chaos insurgency agent who had made the stupid choice of invading her room during her designated nap time

The normally cheery and kind nurse glared angrily into the screaming insurgents eyes as she slammed him into a wall

Nurses: as much as I hate it here, you don't attack my home

She said in a low and dangerous voice before grading the man's exposed face and causing a his brain to top sending signals to his heart, killing him painfully

Nurse: sigh, I hate when this (REDACTED) happens during my nap time, (REDACTED) (REDACTED) always making me cranky

She grogilly exited through the cell door that had been blown of its hinges, it seemed like this shit happened every other Tuesday around here, far to many people died as it is

Nurse: alright,  better go check on the doctor, and y/n and 053

Goodness she felt like a single mother,  all these children she needed to check on whith no help..... well, that wasn't completely true,  she had Mary,  the woman was especially sweet to the children scps and generally kind to everyone, needless to say the nurse liked Mary, and considered her a close friend,  too bad she wasn't here now

Sighing once again she made her way down the hall humming 'I don't wanna set the world on fire' as she walked to block out the gunshots and alarms

She could see the doctor standing in the hall with a small group of dead chaos insurgents standing next to him

Doctor: ah, nurse, how did your nap go?

Nurse: terrible, couldn't get a wink, do you know if 053 or y/n is closer?

The doctor thought for a moment before pointing down one of the halls

Doctor: 053 is about seven hallways that way, y/n is somewhere that way

He pointed off to the left of the other hallways

Nurse: why can't they just keep us conveniently close?

Doctor: it wouldn't be interesting that way, I'll get y/n you go get 053, meet back up near Cain and tox?

Nurse: deal

The two bird masked physicians split off in separate directions each not ready for what they were about to find

Marry Collins

Marry say at the grave for her beloved for a long time, this anniversary was always the hardest for her, and with every other bat(REDACTED) crazy part of her life she found she was beginning to break

Marry: I can't do it, ⍜⋏⏃, not without you

A new wave of tears began to stream down her face

Marry: I can't...... the foundation has given me so much but I wonder if it's worth the (REDACTED) heart ach, first you, then everyone at site-(REDACTED), I've lost everyone close to me, did I ever tell you my mom and dad worked at site-(REDACTED) too? I wanted to introduce you to them soon, I think despite the differences they would have accepted you... and the kids we were gonna adopt

She sighed as she realized that just like every years she was spilling her guts to an inanimate gravestone

Marry: I miss you .... I.....

Her reverence was interrupted by the alarm sound emanating from her phone,  she checked it to find a bone chilling message


Marrys heart skipped a beat, those bastards were about to take her Last ⌇⎍⋏⌇⌿⍜⏁ in this world

Marry: no way in hell are those (REDACTED) going to take them too

Marry ran to her jeep and went to the hidden compartment bellow the floor removing a medium sized blade hidden within a sheath

Marry: ⍙⟒ ⎅⟟⟒ ⟟⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⎅⏃⍀☍, ⌇⍜ ⍜⏁⊑⟒⍀⌇ ☊⏃⋏ ⌰⟟⎐⟒ ⟟⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌰⟟☌⊑⏁

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