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Nurse pov

Nurse was running her legs off

She said to herself as she ran, the whole group had split so she was alone for the moment as she searched for a place to hide, even with her possible immortality it would still hurt like a mother (redacted)

She ran around looking at the numbers over the doors trying to find something she could use to stop 683 or at least get away

She didn't find much until she got to one she didn't completely recognize

Nurse: 2207? Hmmm

It said the class was safe

She entered the room to find a cardboard box, was that it?

She opened the box and dig through the foam until she found a small plastic knife and a report on the item

She read, apparently when swung at a certain speed the knife would cut through space time and open a portal to a random dimension

She looks at the knife again

Nurse: well what do you know, I've got an idea

Her plan to deal with 682 was honestly pretty stupid and actually had been Similarly tried by the foundation, she knew it wouldn't be permitted but it would fix it for the time being

She took the knife and bolted towards the roaring that 682 was making, something she thought she would never do

She rounded a corner to see she was behind the giant lizard

Nurse: this is a bad idea
She said as she ran at her and slid under her

Nurse: hey! Ummm, you oversized iguana!

682 looked down at her eyes hot with anger

682: you little preppy (redacted)!!

The nurse ran her birb (redacted) off as she tried to put distance between her and the lizard

Once she was far enough ahead she jumped swinging the blade through the air as fast as she could, to her relief it seemed to cut through the air opening a dark kind of void

It opened wide, as 682 barrels to it, due to her considerable bulk she was unable to stop herself as she slid straight into the portal

682: not again! (Redacted) you, you (redacted) (redacted)

The portal closed behind her and the nurse let out a sigh of relief, it didn't last as a loud (redacted) roar echoed through the facility

Nurse: what?!

A portal opened above her head and a robotic limb came out handing her a note

It read
"We regret to inform you that this monster is not our problem to deal with, we were barely able to sedate it and sent it back, please refrain from sending it here a third time, we thank you for selecting our demotion, have a nice day"

Nurse sighs
Nurse: I'm so dead

She thought as she ran off to find the others

Nurse: hopefully their ok

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