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Kiaf ran his (redacted) off away from the old man and his shadow wealm

Kiaf: you'll never catch me alive (redacted)!
He yelled at the Scp that was right behind him

He slid around a corner and then around another effectively losing him

Kiaf: Ha Ha yeah, (redacted) you!

He ran again looking for help, especially looking for his girlfriend ebbz who was another d-class he had grown to love over his 2 year time at the facility and her 1 year, both considered very (redacted) long in D-boi standards

Kiaf was searching everywhere for her, refusing to believe she was dead, that was impossible, she was too good a survivor, even being inside 682's cell and spending long times around 053

He kept running wishing he could have been an MTF so he could have guns to shoot those jackass scps

Kiaf; ebbz, don't worry I'm on my way love

He said sprinting around the foundation like his life depended on it, because it did

Kiaf: those stupid (redacted) scientists, we're just lab rats to them

well maybe not to a few, Mary and mark were nice enough, they even tried to keep him alive most of the time, those two honestly loved working here, loved working with the SCPs and the D-bois

Kiaf: wouldn't mind running into them I guess

He patted down a body and found a level 3 key card

Kiaf: perfect

He took the card and ran for where he believed ebbz's cell was although he soon found something in his way, mainly was 682 dropping out of a portal in the celling cursing her (redacted) off

682: (redacted) skinny little (redacted) birb (redacted ) mother (redacted) piece of (redacted ) (redacted) if I had a (redacted) I'd (redacted) you, you scrawny little (redacted)

Kiaf just slowly backed away, if she were this mad he would be dead in milliseconds

Kiaf: oh where's a nuke when you need it

He got around the corner and ran for his mother (redacted) life


Bright finally woke up , Cain had punched him! That (redacted)!

Bright: my head, ow!

He looks around to see he had been locked in a room with nothing but a bell

Bright: hmmmm, it's almost calling to me

He slowly reached for the bell when he heard the scoot shuffling of a 173

Bright: oh, billy (redacted)

???: oh bright!

Bright turned to see another scientist through the open door

Bright: hello right, lovely day we are having

Right: sure is, come with me, I got a safe room nearby

Bright nods and follows her

Out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw 9 fox like tails go around a corner but it might have just been a trick of the low light

Bright: hey, did you know 682 was a girl?

Right: yeah, that's why your not allowed near her, like that sucubus girl

Bright: we have a sucubus?

Right: don't even think about it! She's too sweet for that

Bright was thinking about it

Bright: I love this job, so where are we going

Right: the security center, it's fortified, have you seen Mary around?

Bright: yeah, she made Cain knock me out

Right:she's with Cain? Hmmm, I hope she's safe

Containment ( SCPs x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now