New blood

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Y/n was flooded with sorrow when they awoke to find mary still hasn't come to save them

The doctor and nurse seemed to contract that same sadness luke a disease

The two were working when Dr. (REDACTED) entered this time backed up with around eight guards

Dr. (REDACTED): Scp-049 and 049-n, sight command is ordering y/n be returned to their own containment cell,  if you resist then your privileges will be revoked


Mary awoke nearly 10 hours after her rescue in the sights infirmary, around her were a few friends, Mark and a few other researchers

None of her D-class or scp friends of course,  there were also a few people she didn't recognize, at the moment

Of the ones she didn't know were 2 researchers and one MTF agent

Mark: hey you, your finally awake

Mary: if you say one more reference to me right now ill kick your (REDACTED) Mark
Mary winced out as she tried to sit up, one of the perks about the foundation was the state of the art medical facilities,  343 knows they needed them

Mark: and just as feisty as ever

She looked down at herself noticing the bandages all up her arms and could feel them across her chest and her legs

Mary: (REDACTED), my everything hurts right now

Mark: bet its not as bad as that time at site-(DATA EXPUNGED)

Mary: don't even mention site-(DATA EXPUNGED) worse day of my (REDACTED) life

She glanced over at the people she didn't know and a spark of recognition hit her

Mary: hey, I remember you,  you were with the MTFs thats saved me

She weakly pointed and the gaunt man with sunken eyes but a warm smile

He grind

Lawrence: the names Lawrence, glad we could help ma'am

Mary smiled back but noticed the absence of a very important member of her little group

Mary: .....y/n, where are they?

The room went silent for a second

Mark: y/n was moved back to their cell not to long ago, I tried to get them a pass to come see you but it was denied by site command

Mary: oh..... that's unfortunate, I guess I'll need to see them later then, im sure I can get permission to be the lead researcher,  I know dr.(REDACTED) would be willing to....

She was interrupted by one of the researchers she was unfamiliar with, a tall woman with blond hair and old piercing eyes, just the look of her mad Mary uncomfortable

???: I'm afraid that won't be possible

Mary: and why the (REDACTED) not? I don't believe I know you miss....

Dr. Buck: my na.e is Dr. Buck, site command has determined you to be to close to Scp- 6549, as of today, any testing of Scp- 6549 will be carried out and overseen by myself ahead researcher or by Dr. Collingwood here, by specific command of site command you, Dr. Mark, and several Scp are forbidden to interact until approved by site command

Dr. Buck was incredibly lucky that Mary was hurt or she would have probably tried to kill her

Marry: what in the absolute (REDACTED) is this, and their name is y/n!

Dr. Buck: it ... is and scp, they don't have a name anymore

Mary tried to think on the name Dr. Buck, she knew nothing on this cold hearted researcher, and sure as (REDACTED) didn't want her around y/n

The tan skinned woman next to buck looked down apologetically, mary assumed this must be Dr. Collingwood

Collingwood: I'm sorry Dr. Collins, this wasn't our choice either, if I could have it another way you and 6549 would be back together

Mary glared at buck, she would prefer the company of 953 to this woman being around y/n, would rather die than let this woman hurt the child, she gestured to Mark and whispered in his ear

Mary: whatever happens,  if your able to please,  just please don't let her hurt y/n, can you promise me that?

Mark looked at her and nodded
Mark: yeah..... yeah I'll try


In the end y/n Had gone back to th Dr ir cell willingly, the doctor and the nurse had been fully prepared to fight but y/n didn't want anyone to get hurt because of them

The Doctor woman escorted the child back with all the guards in tow

Dr. (REDACTED): alright,  you've been assigned a new researcher, they will be here to meet you soon, can you be on your best behavior for em?

Y/n said nothing but nodded and looked down, like always they believed they were in trouble

This was enough to make even Dr.(REDACTED) feel a pang or remorse, child Scps were always so sad, a d she knew this ones life in particular was about to get a lot harder since buck was on the scene,  she knew the woman's reputation, hopefully it wouldn't be to bad

They reached y/ns cell and opened the door,  it had been refurbished with a bed and carpeting although nothing more because nobody knew what the child would want

Dr. (REDACTED): now I'm sorry this room is so uncomfortable and boring,  but tell ya what. Whenever you need anything you just need to ask and we'll see if it can be done

Y/n: can I see Mary?

Dr. (REDACTED sighed, usually scps would request to go home, it made it even worse that the child had no real home, and the child seemed to have formed an attachment to Dr. Collins, to bad she was basically forbidden to see y/n at all

Dr. (REDACTED): I'll see about that kid

She left the cell after that sighing and mumbling expletives

(Alright everyone,  Dr. Buck us our new researcher, now what Scps do you think y/n should be tested against, 

So just as a recap, y/n is immune to hazardous anomalous effects, although the full scape of their abilities is unknown at the moment,  what Scps would be good tests of those abilities

Also I love the Scp animated series' bot confinement and tales from the foundation so I couldn't resist adding a few of those characters

As always I challenge you all to fill in the (REDACTED)'s and all the (DATA EXPUNGED)


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