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Alone atop a hill sat the lone warrior, clad in darkness and pierced by pinprics of light like stars

Alone they sat among the bodies of the fallen enemies that had challenged them,  across that battle field strode another challenger, the last of the enemy

Behind the last enemy lay the corpses
Of the lone warriors alies all ripped to shreds by the enemies weapons composed of solid light and metal

The last remnants of two great armies faced off against one another,  one filled with anger and a thirst for vengeance of their concerned world and slain people and one in regret over those very such actions

The enemy drew their blade of light and heald it at the ready as they approached

The lone warrior only watched as they prepared for the cold blade of justice for their crimes to to fall and claim the warriors life

But the strike never came as the enemy fell to their knees and coughed causing blood to fall from the slits its the armored helmet they wore

The warrior watched the last enemy fall flat and watched the last one die... it made the warriors wonder what type of enemy it had been under the helmet, the ones with skin or the ones with scales?

To the warriors great surprise the enemy raised themselves a little off the ground and began to laugh, it died down into coughs after a while however

Using their sword to prop themselves up the enemy heald up a small blinking cube of light that the warrior recognized as a light bomb

The warriors sighed and closed their eyes ready for the death that bomb would bring, the death the so rightly deserved, after all this world had been nothing but peaceful before their people attacked

Far away the light from the bomb could be seen by anyone looking in the right direction like the other shadow that watched from the roof of the enemies home cradling a small something in their lower set of arms using the upper set to hold a projectile weapon

The shadow knew that another of theor kind had fallen, but there was nothing to be done now, the shadow had a promise to fulfill


Mary and y/n sat together for a while,  arms around each other simply happy to be reunited once more

Mary: oh you Don know how worried I've been, but now I can start to
To make things better

Y/n said nothing but looked up at her with bright eyes

Mary: well get this room furnished, make sure you comfortable..... and make sure you won't be so lonely all the time

Y/n smiled up at her with a twinkle in their eyes

Y/n: t-thank you Mary

Mary: no problem kiddo

She couldn't help acting like this, it was almost on instinct, maybe she had picked up that trait from......

She shook her head trying to clear the thought away

Mary: anyways, I've heard that Collingwood and buck are having trouble with you?

Y/ns smile changed to worry

Y/n: I didn't mean to cause trouble,  it was an accident

Mary: I know it was, please tell me what happened

Y/n: we were doing questions and they asked where I came from

Mary: the ally?

Y/n: mhmmm, and I told them about the place before

Mary: before?

It was at this moment Mary realized she hadn't once asked y/n what happened or where y/n was from before ended up in an old ally

Mary: where were you before?

Y/n: ▞▊▇ ▝▀▀▔ ▋▇▜ ▜▋

Mary felt an instant wave of nausea hit her at the ........ were those words? The sounds were beautiful, but she couldn't........ couldn't comprehend it at all, it must have been a higher level of language then humans would ever reach, the meant........y/n wasn't

Mary: interesting....... why did you leave that place?

Y/n shuddered and didn't answer

Mary: are you ok?

Y/n: i...... I don't like to talk about it

Mary: alright, we won't right now....

Mary didn't know how to feel about these new developments, but she did know that she would do her best, for her little ⌇⎍⋏⌇⌿⍜⏁

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