Radicle lary

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Y/n pov

Y/n was dreaming, they dreamt of a man with red hair screaming at, was that a statue?

They dreamt of Mary, of being adopted, of being loved.

They dreamt of all the kind people and things they had met, then they woke up.

Y/n was happy to find themselves in the arms of the nurse, they looked on her other side to see 053 also sleeping.

The tall woman who held 999 was happily dozing as well.

Mary: hey, y/n

The child turned to see the scientist, they broke out into a grin of happiness and quietly, but quietly hugged her.

Y/n: I missed you

Mary: it's ok

She pet y/ns head and smiled

Cain: I love theses moments of happiness

Mary looked at him and smiled

049: I have a bad feeling all of a sudden

Cain: oh cra..

Before he could finish a black ooze formed on the wall and a sickening figure stated to emerge .

The person seemed to smile as it slapped Mary out of the way.

Cain attempted to grab y/n but the thing got them first, it picked them up and threw them into the wall, but instead of bouncing off of the wall they went through it.
Mary: nooooo

Y/n landed on some sort of sticky ground in a dark room.

???: choose a pathway, choose what way you die. By the Fox, by the lizard maybe by the statue or the shy one. If you don't choose I'll have fun with you myself

Y/n sure as hell didn't want that so they looked down the hallway, each one looked the same so they picked one at random and ran through it.

Y/n fell out of the world and back into the one they knew.

Y/n landed on something both soft and scaly.

???: *growl* what the [redacted] is it now

The voice was rough but still smooth and feminine wile also sounding like a growl

The thing they had landed on began to move as part of it rose and twisted to look at them.

The head of the creature was like bone with giant dagger like teeth, it had some sort of hair on its head and across its neck it was reptilian.

???: what?

Y/n was in complete shock and fear in. They didn't dare to even move.

???: what is this another [redacted] attempt to try and kill me? Your all a bunch of [redacted] [redacted]

Y/n: you shouldn't swear so much

Both y/n and the giant reptile were in shock

???: what?

Y/n wished they had kept their mouth shut.

(Here's a fun game every time 682 swears try to fill in the blanks, yeah so somebody requested I make 682 female so yeah it's happening)

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