Chapter 52

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« Eric's POV»

"I feel bad I shouldn't have left her alone, she's not ready yet." I said to Reece as I stood near the bar anxious.

"Hey, Violet is incredibly strong and with her anger we might as well just already assume who ever pissed her off is dead."Reece laughed. I was grateful to him and Ella for being there for Violet.

" Well I will take your word for it since I know you have experienced her wrath more than Ella and I. " I told him with a smile.

Reece's phone began to ring and I know it was Camila because his eyes lit up like a christmas tree and he dashed out the venue.

I turned to the side and began mingling until my gazed dropped on my father and mother. I angrily began to walk away toward the back exit into a beautiful garden that was empty so I could cool off. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder causing me to turn back. I was taken by suprise when I saw my mother, her eyes filled with concern. I almost felt guilty for worrying her like this all the time but then an imagine of my father's face pops up in my head and all guilt is gone.

"Mum!" I shouted annoyed as I pulled away from her hand. I was so angry that she would be here smiling and happy with a man the doesn't deserve it.

" Eric, he isn't as bad as you perceive him to be." she stated with pleading eyes.

"Mum, he used to hit us because his business wasn't doing so well. We had to send Ella away! He even left! How do I forgive that! You don't even know all the other things he's done! "I shouted angrily.

"Oh my darling."she said as she walked towards me and placed her soft hand on my cheek," you have alway tried to protect me from everything." she let go and turned her back towards me," I know, I have always known about his pregnant secretary that wove her way into out lives, but I don't blame her because it's not just her fault. I found out the night he left. He finally couldn't take the guilt anymore and he told me everything. I was so shattered I chased him out the house, he never left willingly. I just couldn't face him after such a betrayal, I  needed time. Few months later I found out from a friend that he and the secretary moved in together and they had their baby and were happy together. I was heartbtoken, I hated him but loved him just as much. When he came back all the hated I had melted away and I let him come back and I know it was a stupid thing to do but I saw regret and remorse in his eyes and I wasn't strong enough to send him away. " she said. I could hear in her voice that she was crying.

" You knew? " I asked shocked, for saw many years she knew.

"Yes but this is all in the past now. When are you going to forget the past? What happened if he dies and there is still a bridge between you?" My mother asked as she turned to face me with her red puffy eyes filled with sadness.

"He made his bed, and he should have a nice nap." I said to her calmly.

"Eric I knew it's a long shot asking you to forgive him, but don't you understand that holding a grudge will only make you feel worse. You need to let go of the hatred you have for him and just speak to him." she pleaded with tears in her eyes. I walked toward my frail mother and hugged her tightly as she cried.

" Mum, please--" I said but she cut me off.

" Just talk to him for me please. " she begged me.

" I will, I promise I will." I said to her and my heart slowly began to break, I had never seen my mother beg before. I hated it, I hated that she was begging me, "I am only going to talk." I said to her.

"Have you never wondered why Violet always forgives and never hates? She knows what hatred does to people and I don't think she would want you to go down the same path filled with that because it just makes your soul bitter." My mother said before she left and went back in the venue.

I sat on the bench and ran my hands through my hair angrily.


I made my way to the table Violet was at, she was laughing and talking to Rosalie. It bought a smile on my face to see her like this, she was only like this with Reece, Ella and I.

"Afternoon ladies," I politely said to the table as they looked up at me. I then turned to violet and said, "Love, I think it's time we get going I doing want to keep you out for too long." I said to her.

She smiled up and said to me, "I couldn't agree more but did you tell Reece we going?" she asked.

"No, but we can call him on the way." I replied, I think she could sense something was wrong but she just smiled at me and got up to leave.

«Violet's POV»

We reached home and made our way to our bedroom when I finally couldn't take it any longer, "Are you okay?" I asked him very worried.

"Yes I am." he replied as he dug in the closet for sweat pants.

"Eric, its only us here in the room. Tell me what's wrong?" I asked him as I reached out and touched his shoulder.

"I had a argument with my mother." he replied as he walked away from me and sat on the bed I changed into my pink sleeveless shirt and fuzzy pjamas pants before making my way towards Eric.

I sat next to him and held his hand, "You had an argument about what?" I asked him curiously.

"About my father." he stated as he placed his head on my lap.

"Ohhh, you want to talk about it?" I asked as I gently ran my hands through his silk black hair.

"She knew Violet, she knew about his other family." he said softly.

"oh." Was all I managed to say.

"Oh?" he said confused.

"I don't know that's just a lot to process. I can't believe she knew." I stated shocked.

"tell me about it." he laughed bitterly.

"So what did you both argue over?"

"My mother wants me to forgive him, she wants me to forgive that abusive adulterous bastard of a man." Eric huffed, I knew he was getting worked up so I ran my fingers up and down the side of his face.

"You need to forgive him Eric." I stated but he got off my lap and turned to look at me.

"what?" he asked as if I had just said something outrageous.

"You don't understand, I know what hatered does to a person. I speak from experience, trust me when I say it's a horrible road to walk along. You need to understand that forgiving someone doesn't mean that you will forget everything they have ever done.  Forgiving someone is finally putting it in the past so you can be free." I said to him.

He looked up at me and sighed heavily before he lightly tugged me arm towards him and side hugged me. I rested my head on his chest as we sat there in silence before a loud cry got me off my feet and across to Fel's room.

« Eric's POV»

I watched Violet leave, I knew she was right and I hated that she was right.

Guess I have to make an appointment to see my father...


A/N :

Hey guys👋
Hope you enjoyed the chapter😊
Happy valentine's day 💞💫Byezzzz, till next time💕


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