Chapter 46

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Song of the chapter - unsteady by X Ambassador


«Eric's POV»

I entered the maternity ward and saw everyone outside a room door, "How is she?" I asked.

"We don't know all we hear is her screams." Said Ethan mortified.

"Violet just called and said that Hunter regained consciousness. They stabilized him for now." I informed everyone.

"Thank God!" exclaimed Aunty Jane as she let out a breath of relief.

We waited for a few minutes before we heard the loud cries of a baby. Everyone happily smiled at each other but our faces dropped when Emily was pushed out of the delivery room by the doctors.

"What's going on?" Asked Sophie as we watched Emily's panicking figure walked towards us.

"I don't know what's going on, after the baby was delivered the machines started beeping louder and faster and the doctors were rushing. I don't know what's happening, I don't even know where my father is. What am I gonna do? What happens if anything happens to both of them? I can't—" Emily said as she began to spiral.

" Hey, breathe. We don't know what's happening yet just breathe for now. " I said to Emily as I tried to calm her down but in all honest I was freaking out as well, I was just better at hiding it.

A few more agonizing minutes went by before a doctor walked out and pulled down his mask and took of his blue hat. As soon as I as saw the look of guilt in his eyes I knew that something bad had happened.

"What happened?" Asked Emily very softly, it was almost a whisper.

"I am sorry to inform you all that Diana didn't make it. A complication known as Sepsis occurred which is when chemicals are released into the bloodstream to fight off infections, it caused inflammation throughout the body that leads to organ failure. I am really sorry, we tried everything we could but it just wasn't enough." Said the doctor and then he walked back into the room.

For almost a minute the whole room was silent as we all tried to comprehend the misfortune that was bestowed upon us. As soon as Diana's body was pushed out the room with a white cloth covering her whole body; did everyone finally comprehend what was happening.
Diana was dead and no one was sure if Hunter would make it.

«Emily's POV»

At that very instant I felt my heartbreak as I watched my sister's body being taken away.

I rested my head against the wall. I felt empty as tears rolled down my face.

¥----- Flashback -----¥

"Everything is going to be alright Em, I promise." She said as she lifted me up and carried me through the graveyard. We walked towards the place where lots of people were standing and there were bouquets of flowers all over.

"I am scared Die, I want mummy." I said to her, I was on the verge of tears.

"Em, mummy's gone to sleep. She is going to stay with the angels." She said to me as she wiped away my tears.

"Why? Doesn't she love us? Why would she leave us like that?" I cried even harder.

Diana put me down and bent on the ground to my eye level,"She loves you a lot Emily even more than me. Mum is now an angel and she is going to stay in heaven. She didn't want to leave us but she had too. I promise we will see her one day in the far further but in the mean time she is watching over us." Said Diana as she hugged me but I felt her tears down my neck and her hug tightened around me.

little do you know (Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang