Chapter 17

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«Violet's POV»

The door opened and we were greeted with my mum's beautiful smile,"Markus, everyone they are here." she yelled,"Oh, come in son-in-law." He gave her his classic smile and entered pulling me behind him.

"Violet! Sweetheart is that you?" asked Hunter's mother,Aunty Jane. I rushed towards her and gave her a big hug.

"It's so good to see you." I said and I let go of her, "I don't think you've been properly introduced to my husband," I turned around and grabbed his arm pulling him towards me,"this is my husband, Eric. Eric this is Hunter's mother, Jane."

"It is a pleasure to meet you." he said flashing a grin.

"well aren't you a looker." said aunty Jane as she hit him on the arm. I laughed as he mumble a low, "ouch".

"So I am guessing he told you about Diana and the baby." I said as I took a seat next to her.

"Oh, yes. He came by earlier with her and that little ass is damn lucky I didn't shoot him in the balls with a taser gun." she said.

"Oh, wow..." I said with an awkward frowned.


"At least you are going to be a grandma." I said with a smile.

"That's true." she said with a smile mirroring mine.

"Okay everyone! Dinner's ready!" yelled my mum from the kitchen.

We all currently sat at the dining room table, getting ready to indulge. Eric sat next to my dad and I sat in between him and Sophie with Hunter right across me." So, Eric why don't you tell us something about you.?" asked my mum.

" I am the oldest out of 3 children." he said.

"Awe, that's so nice, who are your siblings." asked my mother excitedly.

"Well, the middle child is my brother Reece, he is younger by two years. Then my younger sister who just finished college, her name is Ella."

"So what are your intentions with my daughter?" asked my dad randomly, causing me to choke on my water. Eric turned to my side and lightly patted my back as I kicked Hunter to change the subject.

"Oh, okay. Ummm... Everyone I have a announcement to make." said Hunter as he grabbed Diana's hand and they both stood up," We found out the baby's gender about a week ago."

"Really isn't it too early."asked my mum.

"No, I am actually 6 months." said Diana with a smile as she placed her hand on her belly.

"oh my honey you look so tiny, why did you both wait so long."asked my mum.

" We were still deciding whether or not we wanted to find out."
Said Hunter.

"Okay! Okay! Now Hunt tell us the gender!" shouted Sophie excitedly.

"it's a girl. We want to name her--"

"ya. You should name her, Gwen." said Ethan.

"No, not Gwen. You should name her Everly" said Aunty Jane.

" Goodness no! Name her Allison."said my mum.

After her comment everyone broke into an argument about what the baby's name should be. Form the look of Hunter and Diana's face they already had a name.

" Everyone enough! I think they already have a name for her."i yelled.

" Thanks Vi. We want to name her, Felicity." Before we could all say our "awes" he cut us off, " wait, there's more. Violet, Diana and I talked and we want you and Eric to be the God parents." I felt the salty liquid pool in my eyes once he said that.

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