Chapter 1

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Tears- Clean Bandit
Song for chapter.

----# way before the wedding #----

"Baby how could you do this to me?!" A deep voice echoed through the restaurant.

"Hunter..." I said in a half raspy and half damsel in de-stress voice. "I... Why...?"

Dramatic much?

"You said you loved me. What about our baby? Did you even think about it while you sat here with another man?" he said in disgust as he strode towards me.

"Excuse me?" Said Terry, my date, with confusion written all over his face. He gave me an icy look as he absorbed everything my facial expression gave away, "I think it's time for me to leave." He said as he stood up and an embarrassed expression slipped through his exterior whilst he hurried out.

"Wait, Terry let me explain-" I called out after him as he left the restaurant furiously.

Hunter and I both turned and looked at each other before we burst out laughing.

"Oh... Oh the baby thing really put the cherry on top of this one." I said as I sat back down on my chair laughing.

"I know! Did you see his face!" Said Hunt whilst he took the seat in front on me.

"Priceless, damn we're too good." I said and he nodded in agreement.

We both finally caught our breath and looked around, The dimly lit room with beautiful red walls and wooden chairs that were filled with people...oh the people... a shit ton of people were continuously starring at my best friend , Hunter and I. He's my knight and shining jock that saved me from being bullied by my tyrannical sister and her plastic crew in highschool.

Well this is awkward...

°×°×°×°×° °×°×°

After Hunter dropped me off at home. I took a deep breath and braced myself for hell.

It's now or never

Just as I opened the door my mother's voice bounced off the walls, "Violet Katherine Quaters!!!" the rage clearly evident. If this were a cartoon, she would probably have smoke coming out of her ears," How many times do I have to tell you not to pull those stunts with Hunter! Are you honestly that thick headed? Your father needed that contract and it was lost due to your disobedience! I don't know why you can't be just like your sister?" She said in a tired tone," You are going to stop stepping out of line. Next time darling, you are not going to meet the guy. We will just drag you down the fucking aisle!" She yelled.

Keeping my head held high, I went up the stairs to my room and shut the door. I need to breathe, just breathe. I leaned against the door with glassy eyes and slowly sunk to the ground, letting my fountain of pain flow.

¥ flashback ¥

" Mummy look what I got for my-" six year old me held a peice of paper and was going on about my art but I was cut off by a loud high pitch squeaky voice.

" Mummy! Mummy! Look what I got." Olivia my sister said as she came running into the living room and pushed me out the way. She showed mother her piece of paper that mainly consisted of scribbles.

" Oh wow, my darling angel this is absolutely beautiful. I think I am  going to put it up on the kitchen refrigerator." She got up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Mummy but I still-" I said running after her, as fast as my little legs would take me, "Mummy here's mine." I said whilst smiling at her as I handed her the page triumphantly.

"Enough! Violet stop trying to steal Olivia's spotlight. Not everything is about you." She said in a harsh tone.

"Mummy-" I said but my lip started to tremble and my eyes were glassy.

" Wonderful, now you are crying. For goodness sake's child, why can't you be like your sister and behave well?" She said bending down on the ground so that we were now at eye level, her cold eyes stared at me as she said, "You are nothing but a mistake. Now will you remember you place?" she asked with a cruel smile.

"Yes mother..."

¥ End of Flashback ¥

I had never forgotten my mother's poisonous words from back then. It was
the first memory that I could recall of when thing started turning sour. As time went on her teeth had sunk into my soul emitting potent venom that killed the happy innocent child I had once been.

My own mother regretted my existence ever since I was six or probably even long before, maybe I had only started noticing her disdain for me at that point in time. Ah...time, such a cruel thing it can be as I spent half the time of my life exposed to my mother's cruelty: her vague inferiority insinuations and her special way of making me feel like I was imposing on their family time. As I grew older it began to feel like I was standing outside the house watching a happy family from a window. Futher showing that I was in a place I did not belong.

No matter how hard I tried to leave she was always like a disease plaguing my life. No matter where I went she always followed pulling me right back. I knew it was never because she had some sick twisted idea of love for me, it was only because I was an asset that she needed at her disposal. The constant need to control is what drove her to keep me as a prisoner.

My older sister Olivia had always been the prototype that I was compared to, I was constantly treated like a defect. No matter how hard I tried there was no way to truly shake off the feeling of inadequacy. The only trick I learnt to deal with the issues that I was dealt was just not to care because they certainly don't. I had stopped trying to look for validation because I knew growing up Olivia was and will forever be the apple of my parents' eyes. I on the other had only existed for their benefit and I would always only come last for them...unless they needed to liquidate.

In this cruel dark world I learnt at an early age that the only person that will ever been there for you no matter what is yourself. Well in truth, I haven't really been alone since high school. I have friends that I have made my family but they may not always be around; that is why I can only rely on myself. I have to hold it together because no one else can do it for me and I shouldn't expect anyone else to.

I wiped my tears and stood up from the floor. I slowly let all thoughts dissolve from my mind as I snuggled under the covers and watched a movie.

Hi guys😁
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter
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Till next time, byezz...



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