Chapter 53

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Just as they say time does heal a brokenheart. I decided to back to work and I was finally happy and smiling again.

Or well that's what everyone around me kept saying...

I realized that I can't only cry over the loss of my best friend, I also have to be happy and live in the wonderful memories I still have of him.

I walked in the elevator to go down for lunch but I was just about to fall when a person grabbed me.

"You okay?" the man asked.

"Zack," I said shocked I hadn't seen him since the incident in the cafeteria, "Thank you and I am really sorry."

"Hey don't stress it, it's been like almost half a year." he smiled at me, "seems like you doing good." he said.

" Yes I am." I smiled," How are you? " I asked.

"Good." he smiled back at me.

Always awkward with this guy...

The elevator opened and I said goodbye before making my way to Sophie, Camilla and Ethan. I felt my heart sink because it was my first time having lunch here since hunter died.

I sat down and we awkwardly sat in silence until Ethan said," okay so I was thinking that we should go and watch coming to America 2 in the movies." suggested Ethan.

"Oh yes I saw the trailer and I am so excited for it to come out." said Sophie happily

"but you can't beat the first one." said Camila as she sipped on her coffee.

"We will see," I smiled and just like that a part of me began to slightly smile. My smile only grew wider when Eric joined us.

Things finally felt okay after a really long time.


«Eric POV»

I was so proud of Violet these passed few weeks she has displayed amounts of courage and strength I would never been able to muster.

When we got home Violet and I went straight for felicity. I held her in my arms before going to change into a pair of black sweats and a white shirt.

"Mother knows best listen to your mother it's a scary world out there. Mother knows best one way or another something will go wrong I swear. Ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, quicksand, cannibals and snakes, The plague. Yes also large bugs and men with pointy teeth. Stop no more you'll just upset me." Violet sung dramatically as she lifted up felicity from her changing table.

"Mothers right here. Mother will protect you. Darling heres what I suggest. Skip the drama stay with mama. mother knows best." I leaned against the door frame with my arms crossed. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable they both looked.

I walked toward violet and hugged her from behind but she wasn't startled she knew it was me. I wrapped my arms around her and Felicity. We both held a sleeping Fel. Violet placed Fel in her crib and out of our hold.

I pulled Violet into my chest,"So early brainwashing." I teased as my arms wrapped her waist and her arms encircled my neck.

"Got to start somewhere." she smiled back.

I leaned forward and planted a sweet passionate kiss on her lips.  I smiled against her lips when I felt her hands in my hair but she suddenly pulled away in pain.

" Ouch. " she said as she place her hand on her belly.

"what happened?" I asked her worried.

"He kicked my rib, I don't think he like you kissing me." she laughed.

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