Chapter 31

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«Violet's POV»

I showed them towards the living room and everyone greeted each other with love and affection.

"Where is Eric?" I asked Hunter as I walked to the corner of the room where my friend were seated.

"He got a phone call and headed towards his 'study'." he said emphasizing 'study' in a posh British accent, making me laugh a bit," He mentioned something about---"

"Work!" I said cutting Hunt off.

"Somebody's in trouble." whispered Sophie and Camila.

Good God they're a bunch of children.

Before I could glare at them Eric's friends - Nick, Scarlett, Tobias, Stella, James and Rosalie- all came infront of me to say their goodbyes because they each had early morning tomorrow. I saw them to the door and then rushed to Eric's study.

"Isn't it funny, you complain about how you have never met my sister and now that she is here, you are in your office!" I shouted as I opened the glass door of his study.

"Violet, love." Eric said lovingly.

"Nah, don't love me. You promise you wouldn't work today. Who the hell even works on Christmas day?" I asked with my hand on my hip as I glared at him.


"No! Stop carrying on like you don't have a life and get your ass downstairs!" I scolded him but the sound of a person clearing their throat grabbed my attention.

Oh shit!

Embarrass self in front of husband's investors. ☑️ Check.

"I am in the middle of a meeting." he said with an amusing smile.

"I'm gonna leave... Sorry." I said and mouthed to Eric, 'hormones'. His smile just grew as i rushed out.


" I can't believe you are going to be a Mamma." said Nonno happily as I sat with him in the dinning room table as we caught up.

"I know, I am so excited." I told him happily as I ate a slice of cheesecake.

"Just the other day you were una ragazza who spent her summer in Italy with us getting chased by Rafael and now, you are tutti cresciuti." he said sadly as he looked at me with so much of regret.

(young girl)

(all grown up)

I began to shift uncomfortably in my seat when Nonno said," all the time I missed. I never got to see you grow up. " his words tugged at my heart because in every important moment of my life, I wished that I could have spent it with them.

"Nonno..." I said softly as I reached out for his hand.

" Le assomigli..." he said looking with a saudade expression reflecting in his eyes," La vita mi ha dato una seconda possibilita e non I'ho mai presa." he whispered as his eyes moved to the floor.

(you look just like her)

(life gave me a second chance and I never took it)

I looked at him confused, wanting more than anything just to ask about what chance he lost, but I didn't have the heart to ask because for the first time in my life my Nonno looked vulnerable.

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