Chapter 14

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«Violet's POV»

The small rays of sunlight snuck through the small gaps; assaulting my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the black wooden blinds that seemed to be slightly opened. Examing the amount of light spilling through the gaps had me wondering what time it might be? It had also occurred to me that I am running very late judging by the amount of light spilling through. Blasted! I sat up quickly from the bed only to be
taken by surprise as I absorbed my surroundings. Where the hell was I?  Memories of last night came flooding back. Shit! Why do I always fall asleep like a child!

I jumped out of bed and gathered my things that lied scattered on the side table next to the bed.

Oh my God!!

After I left Eric's room I rushed into the shower in record time. As I let the hot was sooth my muscles it suddenly occurred to me that I was hearing no high pitch screams. Realization dawned upon me; she was gone. At least I knew today was gonna be a good day. Too bad for that child, Alex was really a sweetheart.

I hope he likes the snow golbe I left for him, it was of New York so that when he went back home he would always remember his time here.

I walked into the kitchen after getting dressed in a flora tight  skirt and light pink shirt.

"Good morning!" I yelled

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"Good morning!" I yelled.

"Well someone is in a good mood considering that your work schedule is gone back to normal." said Eric sipping his coffee in one hand whilst the other held the morning newspaper.

R. I. P  mood...

"Aren't there little children you should be terrorizing." I said whilst shooting murderous stares at him. This only resulted in him laughing at me.

"Well you know my schedule the terrorizing of children would be impossible to fit in so I guess I just have to settle for terrorizing you." He replied with a playful smile that had me almost startled for a moment. He was truly something when he let his walls down slight. As always he shows a little emotion and then he quickly freezes over again." Come on, let's go. We are already late because of how long you took to come downstairs. No need to add excessive tardiness to the list of complaints I have against you." He bluntly as he lifted up some files off the counter.

God this man is insufferable. I must have been a murder in my past life to end up in this mess.


The word Exhausted would be an understatement. Eric had been driving me crazy today. The amount of work I have to finish before my lunch break us unreal.
I finally was able to relax and enjoy the company of my friends. We were all in the middle of a very important debate that had our full attention.

"You know, I will never understand that." Said Sophie angrily, "I mean Stefan was definitely a better choice than Damon."

"But Damon was free spirit and show her how to feel alive as a vampire." countered Camila as she too a sip of her coffee.

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