Chapter 9

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‹‹ Violet's POV››


"I just had to open my big damn mouth." I groaned, dropping my head in my hands.

All bark and no bite.

"Don't worry it's not  like there is anything at stake." Said Sofia earning a death glare from me.

"Please be serious guy! I don't know how to punish that devil, if only I could drag him back to the depths of hell." I mumbled the last bit to myself.

"Please, you mean that handsome devil, I mean aren't you a lucky bastard to live with a body like that. " Camila said as she laughed.  I rolled my eyes as I brushed off her comment.

"Of course you think that now but, live with the anti-christ that makes you want to go back in time and urge his parents to use protection. Wait? Stop going off topic! What the hell am I going to do?!" My helplessness was definitely evident in my voice.

"You could set his car on fire, I have this guy I know who can set you up with some ---" said Ethan.

"Are you crazy! I will not commit a  felony." I said whilst throwing a chip at him.

"You could embarrass him in public?" Said Sofia.

"Haha. Ya right, like that is even possible. You know it would probably all just back fire." I said laughing. The man was too perfect.

"...Or you could use the one thing he hate more than anything, find one of his weaknesses and exploit it." Said Hunter who was standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders.

"Oh god! Hunter!" I said as jumped up with a fright, " I am glad you could finally join us." I said as I  turned around. He smiled and took the empty seat next to me.

"Ya, ya but what about my idea?" Asked Hunter.

"Dark, very dark." I said causing his eyebrows to lift, "but on the contrary it just might be one of the best ideas so far." I  reply and began to think about him, what could do?

"You have no idea how creepy it was Ethan. Just imagine you come home late from work and you decide to just open your blinds to peek outside after you heard a noise and then bam! There she is standing in your backyard starring at you." Said Hunt as he told us about the girl that was stalking him recently. It was so bad he eventually got a restraining order.

"Oh God if that was a guy I would have died." Said Camila horrified. They continue talking about the crazy stalker until the conversation gravitated towards Sofia.

"I walked passed HR and he was there in his amazing blue suit and oh God guys he asked me out. I'm going out with him next Friday," Sofia said excitedly," after months of playing that cat and mouse game, he finally asked me out. Guys I really think he might be the one. He's honestly perfect." Said Sof going girl crazy as she drooled over this new guy.

We spoke for about another half an hour about irrelevant office gossip, until it was finally time for us to leave. We all walked out the restaurant laughing and bidding our farewells.

"Hey, you want me to walk you back to work?" asked Hunter. Sofia, Ethan and Camila left before us so it was just Hunt and I left.

"Ya, that would be nice. I feel like I haven't spent any time with you lately. " We made our way along the side walk strolling and catching up.

"So have you and Eric made any progress." He asked curiously.

"Well we kind of did until he became my boss." I said angrily.

"Ya, that's a bit awkward but it could probably be a good opportunity for you to get to know him better without him running away on business trips." Said Hunt as he chuckled. He encouraged me to make the best of my situation.

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