Chapter 36

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« Hunter's POV»

"Should we have told them about the our wedding?" Asked Diana as she snuggled into my arms.

"No, it's wasn't the right time with Rafael showing up like that." I replied to her and she nodded in agreement.

"I really love your friends." She said randomly, "They are always so welcoming and when you all are together it's impossible to have a conversation without someone dying with laughter. I can only imagine what they would be like when felicity is born." She said laughing as she placed her hand on her large stomach.

I laughed just at the thought of it, "Well for one Violet would be prepared to fight me if I don't allow our baby girl to stay with her, Sophie would probably pay us to make sure she never has to change a diaper, Ethan might hold a crucifix towards the direction of the baby and Eric probably won't let any stranger within a mile near her." I told Diana with a smile, " but I am absolutely sure that each and everyone of them will fall in love with your little hands and hopefully your mommy's pretty green eyes." I said talking to the baby.

"Goodnight honey." I said whilst placing a gentle kiss on her lips as I held her in my arms.

"Goodnight ." She said and moved out of my hold, towards the left hand side of the bed.

Just before I could switch off the bedroom lamp beside me, my phone began to ring.

I heard faint cries coming from the person on the other side of the line, "Hello?" I asked but suddenly the crying became louder.

Awe Vi...

"I'm on my way buttercup." I said to her as I jumped out the bed and rushed out to change into something warmer.

"Where you going?" Asked Diana

"Darling, I might be back late. Violet needs me right now." I explained, hoping that she would under.

"Go now, then." She said rushing me out causing me to smile.

«Eric's POV»

I stood outside as I watched her car drive away.

I walked into the house and slowly made my way towards my office whilst my mind replayed the whole scene over and over again.

"Now, now. There's no reason for you to sulk." Said Olivia as she waltzed into my office cheerfully.

"You can't even leave me alone to think in peace." I said upset, "I was happy and you ruined it!" I yelled at her angrily.

"Eric, babe—"

"Stop it! The world doesn't revolve around you Olivia and you can't always get what you want."I said to her, "you better stop with your bullshit. I want you out of my life and it's either you remove yourself from my life or I will do it for you and trust me when I say it won't be a pleasant experience for you."

She stood there shocked at my out burst, her eyes were fixed on me. She probably thought that I would fall on my knee's and beg for her, "Eric—"

"i don't love you anymore." I explained to her, "please get out of my house. NOW!" I yelled and she rushed out of my office and out of my site.

For the first time in my life I was put in a situation like this, where I have absolutely no idea what to do next. I have never felt so incomplete in my whole life. I sat there in my office alone praying she would come back and for her to forgive me. I longed for her to once again be in my arms and for all our problems to melt away.

«Violet's POV»

"Hey..." said Hunter as I sat next to him on a freezing cold bench in Central Park and he handed me a cup of decaf coffee, "Do you want a hug?" Asked Hunter.

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