Chapter 60

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Song of the chapter - Somewhere over the rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole


《Olivia's POV》

I walked towards Violet who was crouched on the floor crying, "Okay...two questions. One are you okay? Two, how the hell did  you manage to get on the floor like that?" I asked her shocked that her stitches weren't bust.

She looked up at me with a look that kind of said 'Are you kidding me' before replying, " define okay and no I have no idea how I ended up on the floor." She said crying. I bent down and sat next to her. We both leaned against her old room bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Did you know?" Asked Violet breaking the silence.

"No I didn't, I found out when Lillian screamed in my face when I question why she did it." I explained honestly to her.

"Is everything you said down their true? Have I been misunderstanding you my whole life?" She asked as her voice cracked and her eyes were filled with guilt.

"Hey, I am a good actor. I fooled everyone, except Hunter." I laughed sadly, " he was the only person that saw right through me and he always pushed me to tell you Lillian was the real psycho. I thought that as long as I listened to her everything would have been okay, you would be safe..." I explained looking away from Violet. I was surprised when Violet's head rested on my shoulder and asked me a question that left me a bit speechless for a while.

"Why do people lie?" She asked with a empty look in her eyes.

After a few seconds of thought,"Well that's an age old question," I said laughing awkwardly." Well...You know...I...What I'm trying to say is that everyone lies for a reason. 90% of the people in your life lie to you. Most of them are the ones closest to you and in your case everyone thought it was for the best. They claim they did this for your best interests but they didnt take into consideration your emotions or your rights." I stated but got back to my point, "People lie sometimes because it seems like the only way and it's sometimes disguised as the right thing to do. They thought it was the only way to give you a good life and to protect you. I know everything I just said right now would most probably make you want to laugh but trust me they thought they were doing the right thing and maybe at the time it seemed like it was but not anymore. Just cut them a little slack but it's totally understandable if your pissed." I rambled.

" I'm not mad at them, I just wish that they told me. I just feel like my whole life is a lie." She stated.

"Hey, your whole life isn't a lie. I know you feel a little conflicted and lost but I can tell you now, your whole life isn't a lie. You have an amazing husband, a adorable daughter, loving friends and a wonderful family that you know always got your back. The last one might not sound true, but it is because your my sister which means you're my family and I'm not going anywhere." I said as I gave her a side hug.

"Half sister." She corrected me.

"I don't care whether your my whole or half, you're still my sister V. " I said to her as a little tear slide down my face.

After a few minutes of crying we recovered and Violet seemed alot more emotionally stable than before, "So anything else I should know?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay well, in high school when Lillian dragged you up the stairs and threw you in the storage room and you hit your face on a cupboard. The next day was school and you were covered in bruised and let's be honest your concealer skills sucked so during lunch when I showed up in the girls bathroom, it wasn't because I didnt want our family to get a bad reputation, it was because I felt bad it was my fault. Lillian wanted me to ask Danny who was dating you at the time to instead go out with me but I said no cause that is a shitty thing to do to your sister plus I also did it cause I care about you."  I confessed.

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