Chapter 19: Adjustment

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The first thing she needed to do is to ask for help from the one person that can handle the most important conflict that's the root of every problem.

After having breakfast and talking with Jennette, Athanasia instantly ran out into the garden and began to search for the man that is precious to her. Also in a bad mood because she ditched their date without telling him. Hence, he was alone and watched her from afar while planning a murder inside his head.

Athanasia takes one peek in her surroundings, making sure she's alone before calling out to him. "Lucas!"

His ear picks up her voice and he appears next to her with another guest. A grim frown and gloomy aura make Athanasia gulps nervously. "Oh, now you call me?"

"Sorry for leaving you. I didn't mean to but I really needed to talk to Jennette" She explained and clapped her hands. "Please understand"

"It has barely been a day and I feel like you're giving her too much attention" He sighs in disappointment. "Should I kidnap you once again and remind you who you belong to?"

"Lucas, stop whining" She wheezes from his sullen face. "I'll make it up to you tomorrow but I want to ask you something"

"Fascinating, you ditch me and now need a favor? How unfair and demanding" He complains and she only grumbles from his pout.

"Can you wake up the emperor?"
"Why?" He scoffs, not interested, and shows little care. "Have you forgotten what he did to you?"

"... that's...." Athanasia doesn't answer nor bother to think about it because she is well aware it's bad and rather moves on. "Please?"

"What's in it for me?"

"Ah" She did not think of that and only stared awkwardly with a crooked grin. "... Another date?"

"Not good enough" He argues and wraps one arm around her while pulling her in. "I would want a kiss but it depends on how much work it's required to simply wake the emperor"

"You... Will you do it?"

"Only if you agree to return the favor"

"What is it?" She narrows her eyes at him.

"I'll tell you when I evaluate him but for now I just need your words" He mumbles and leans on her head while embracing her with both arms.

Skeptical and unsure, Athanasia didn't know what this man wanted and thought in bafflement. So many possibilities that he desires, a kiss and a date? Maybe to make them public or even marriage.

She flusters at the image of herself wearing a white dress walking down the aisle. Too fast and too much. Even so, his skill and knowledge are needed nevertheless.

"Fine..." She agreed and hugged him back, leaning against his chest and pouting. "As soon as he wakes up, I'll leave as quickly as possible"

"Hopefully I can do it within a minute so I can have you all to myself" He chuckled and bent down to give a peck on her forehead. "I'll check him only because it's for you"

"Thank you, Lucas" The hug breaks and both stand in front of each other silently. The atmosphere thickens and turns blue as he keeps a flat face and she cocks an eyebrow in bewilderment, expecting him to vanish and get to work so she can do hers. "Aren't you going?"

"Hm? Sorry, I'm just appreciating how pretty you look" He compliments, giving her a jump in the heart as it flutters. "Though it would be better if it was white... and you had a veil and a bouquet in your hand..." He teased, purposely describing a wedding outfit.

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