Chapter 26: Drawbacks

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The visits increased, the deadline drew nearer, the days were counting down, and the encounters were just getting too much.

"No, no. I can go back alone, I don't want to interfere with the princess's work"

"But it's best that you should go with an escort and not alone"

"No, that's fine. The exit isn't far from here and besides, you already have some relevant documents in your hand"

"Yes, but these are just minor things"

"Even so, it's still work and I don't want to be a bother"

The two grinned aggressively at each other, fluttering a strange demeanor as light surrounds them. While they gave each other suggestions, Athanasia stood back and watched tension grow in the air as it got menacing and gloomy. They were fuming a strong aura that was bright and charming but it was also suffocating and dangerous at the same time.

Although they're being very generous and courteous with each other, it feels more like a fight and they're just arguing to show their independence and decency.

"How about we all go together to escort Lady Irain out and then I'll go back with Lord Alpheus?"

Athanasia hastily ends the passive-aggressive bickering before things got heated. She would never expect this to happen at all. They all agreed and proceeded with Athanasia's plan smoothly. However, this won't be the last they'll see each other.

The first few times, they were being nice to each other and would sometimes give up to save time. However, after too many conversations, it suddenly took a turn to aggressive sarcasm. Alas, Athanasia has to interrupt them before either of them or Helena loses their composure.

It wouldn't be like this if Helena didn't give up and straight-up revealed the plan to him which put Ezekiel in an awkward position. Knowing that 2 women are trying to get him to kiss his fiancee on her birthday. It's definitely uncomfortable and stepping the line but Helena takes all the damage by exclaiming it's her idea to save the princess's face.

"Goodbye, Princess and Lord Alpheus! I'll be sure to come tomorrow again and further discuss our plans for the party!" Helena shouted out in a cheerful tone as she walked back inside her carriage and the two waved her goodbye. "I'll bring novels too!"

"Lady Irain is an interesting bright woman" Ezekiel comments and grimly grins, remembering the shade she throws at him for being too thoughtful toward Jennette. Thankfully, the princess didn't notice and stayed clueless to the unpleasant mood.

"She certainly is" Athanasia smiles widely just thinking about her best friend's entertaining behavior. "Now about what you wanted to say"

"Ah, yes"

They walked back together to her office. Now it's back to the professional part of the routine, they went on to discuss political affairs and it was simple stuff to cover. Then they went to talk about Jennette's studies and Ezekiel can only comment that she's learning and getting better. But the pace was slow and Athanasia tried to understand that her environment and current condition of the empire would make her stressed.

"Princess Jennette is trying her best but sometimes she neglects her own studies by seeing her friends" Ezekiel informs and Athanasia sighs.

"Although it may interfere with her studies, I believe that it's more healthy than staying stuck inside with no human interaction" Athanasia explained while informing the benefits of building connections. Jennette can learn better with a friend's help or after taking a break, "I'll give her a week off before her birthday banquet"

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