Chapter 7

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Erec relegated the soft voice to dream. Women did not join them when they left the garrison.


Once more the soft voice called to him and he smiled until he suddenly became aware of the warmth of someone leaning close.

Quick as a serpent his hand struck out. He was shocked when his hand met with soft flesh instead of an enemy intent on cutting his throat. He was wide awake and sat up to see a woman land hard on her sit-upon.

Shock registered with an "oof" through the sweetest lips rounded into a perfect O. Surprise blinked at him through large brown eyes. Chagrin wore the most becoming blush...

Erec remembered himself and scrambled to his feet, feeling the sting of his mortification. The lass sat, yet dazed by his blow...unless

"My most sincere apologies, Milady." He groveled offering a hand, "Are you much injured?"

"Only my pride, milord." She murmured as he easily lifted her to her feet. She felt her blush deepen as she recalled this was the second time in as many days as she needed help getting to her feet. Smoothing her skirts, she added. "But you need not be so formal, milord. I am but a farmer's daughter. And a poor farmer at that."

"Poor?" Erec was disappointed, but not overly surprised. It was a recurring theme in the land since the new King began his reign. "The buildings are still in relatively good repair, although the fields are showing some neglect. I would hazard to say that the farm was prosperous until recently?"

"Soldiers swept through the area in the early spring. All of the men, including my brothers, were taken. Except for our little Robin. He was too young."

"And your father's injury?"

"That happened two days before the soldiers came or they might have taken him too."

"So, there is no one left to harvest the fields and plow the fields under for the winter. They will go fallow?"

"Just so. The soldiers took all of our grain and the winter feed and sent it away in wagons along with all of our livestock. All save for our little lame mule and the old cow that was too thin to butcher. At least the soldiers were in too much of a hurry to chase a few of chickens that got away. Robin and I were able to round them up and eventually they started laying again."

"I noticed the mule, but I did not notice that he was lame."

"Jacques is a strong little one, even with his bad leg. He was not enough for the soldiers, but little Jacques helps me with moving wood and he is able to pull the small plow for a short while. It takes us much longer, and we cannot work the entirety of our fields but thanks to little Jacques, we will not starve."

"Can your brother and father not hunt in the wood off yonder?"

"There will be nothing left to hunt. The soldiers took buck and boar when they went through. And your own men took nut, berry, fish and fowl."

"I will see that food enough is left for your family in gratitude for your hospitality."

"Our hospitality is no great offering, milord. It was an earthen floor before the hearth with some Meade and bread for dinner."

"Our animals were watered and rested. You gave us eggs served with a smile for our breakfast. I would dare claim your hospitality greater still, in that it was given willingly and cheerfully. Even after your ill-treatment by those other soldiers, by my own men last eve...and this day, by my own hand!"

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