Chapter 63

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"Nay, for I do not believe our majesty to be evil. I believe that the decisions he makes are not for the purpose of causing harm." Gwyn frowned in concentration as she tried to find the words to make her friend see reason. "It is simply that his majesty has no care for anyone, save himself."

Alexandi smiled. Gwyndolyn was obviously beginning to grow frustrated. "Again, you support my point."

"Nay. You see, I have won." Gwyn smiled. "Let me give an example that you cannot dispute."

Alexandi nodded.

"Suppose his majesty wanted a particular piece of land, and said piece of land was occupied."

"Then he would simply seize it. He would send his soldiers and they would take the land."

"Yes. They would take the land. They would force the previous owners off the land, forcing them to take their family and belongings and move elsewhere."

"Yes." Alexandi nodded cautiously. Gwyn's smile grew as she prepared to make the winning point.

"And if Lord Neron wanted a piece of land?"

"He would take the land." Alexandi answered quickly. "Again, you only serve to prove my—"

"Yes. But Lord Neron would not force the previous owners off the land. The previous owners would simply disappear and the land would simply be Lord Neron's."

"Aha!" Alexandi set her mending on her lap to clap her hands. "Well done!"

Gwyndolyn bowed her head as if she were an actor upon a stage and laughed.

"I still do not understand why you feel it so important that I learn to argue..."

"Not argue," Alexandi clarified, "Reason. You must be able to defend your statements. In court you will not always be so openly admired as you are among Erec, his men, and the people of Brecken. In future, when Erec returns to Kingstown, you will be much in the company of nobility and their wives while in court. You will be challenged, and you must be able to—"

"I know." Gwyndolyn laughed. "To support my claims with indisputable proofs and present them in such a way that they cannot be dismissed."

"Very good." Alexandi nodded, resuming her mending. "Now, what do you think of this tourney?"

"I think a tourney a good form of entertainment. It is good to let the men test their metal. They came expecting war and found only peace. They are not disappointed, but all of that anticipation and" Gwyn paused; Alexandi nodded and Gwyn continued. "must be redirected before there is trouble."

"Excellent observation." Alexandi smiled proudly.

"Mama?" Robin knocked politely and waited at the door until Gwyn looked up with a big smile.

"Well done, Robin!" she praised, "Come. What is it?"

"Papa has sent me to tell you that he will be staying in the garrison this night. He and the others are training hard for the tourney. He has long been away from the joust and wishes to keep his head upon his shoulders. As it is a clear night, and the moon is near full once more, they will keep training."

"Thank you. I am certain you kept his words, if not his meaning."

"I kept his words...mostly." Robin shrugged. "There were a few he added that were not fit to be spoken in the presence of a lady."

"Has he seen fit to teach you these words?" Gwyn raised a brow in challenge.

"Nay." Robin grinned cheekily. "I learned them all of my own, but he said that there is a time and a place for such words. He insists that I learn that as well, if I am to keep using the words."

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