Chapter 66

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Erec did not wish to be executioner, but neither did he wish to die. For the first time in his life, he had something worth living for after the battle. He would not be reckless with his life this day.

The waiting was agonizing, though Erec knew that it was nothing to the pain he would know during the fight. Once before he had underestimated Neron, believing what he saw with his eyes. It was a lesson he learned well. Neron appeared, being half dragged by the guards, looking for all the world like he was either drunk or resigned to his fate. Erec was not fooled.

When he was released to the field, and did not step forward, he was pushed hard by the guard. Erec saw the ease with which Neron kept his feet, though he seemed too weak to lift the sword that dragged on the ground at his side. Erec knew better. That sword would easily take off his head, but more than likely, it would fling dirt at his face first.

When the bells struck, the crowds that were murmuring in anticipation hushed. The trumpets sounded and the herald spoke.

My Lords and Ladies.

Lord Neron has been accused of treason in that he did attempt to murder the king before several witnesses. The sentence for such a crime is that the guilty be drawn and quartered.

His majesty, King Hugh, has graciously allowed the accused, Lord Neron, to prove his professed innocence in this Trail by Combat.

His majesty has chosen as his champion of justice, the Lord Erec, Captain of all the king's army and your own beloved People's Champion.

By HIS will, the accused shall thus be judged. And if he is weighed and found wanting, he shall die.

His majesty has also graciously decreed that if the accused shall manage to prove his innocence this day, by killing Lord Erec, then our majesty will offer mercy.

The hour has arrived. At the sound of the trumpets, the Trial shall begin.

Before the trumpet blast ended, Neron sprang to life. Dirt flew at Erec and Neron raised his sword with both hands high above his head.

Erec easily dodged.

It was evident to Erec from the ease of Neron's movements that he allowed the ministrations last eve.

The blade sliced through the air and Erec watched as Neron followed through, carrying the blade below and behind him. Neron's shoulders were tensed, his jaw clenched and hatred burned brightly on his half-crazed countenance.

Erec dodged again as Neron brought the sword up in another powerful strike.

Neron growled like a wounded bear and charged yet again.

Neron's switched to handling the sword with one hand, but his blows were still fierce and came quickly, fluidly, one after the other.

Erec dodged when he could, once feeling the air shift as the blade cut far to close to his face.

His shield took the blows when he could not dodge.

To Erec, it seemed that Neron tapped into a reserve of strength as he came again and again in a relentless attack.

Instead of countering, Erec was content for the moment to defend.

The delay was useful on two fronts. First, it allowed Neron to burn through the crazed burst of energy behind this brutal attack. Second, it allowed Erec a chance to learn how Neron moved before each feint and blow.

The crowd began to tire of Erec's tactic and Booed loudly.

There was not enough blood for their sport so far.

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