Chapter 57

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"I noticed the carefulness," Cameron admitted, "But I thought it only that he was being careful not to spill."

"Shall I send to the kitchen for a tray?" Berk asked looking at the mess around on the floor and then down the hall in both directions.

"Nay. I doubt this was sent for, but walk with me to the kitchen anyway. I shall send a runner to the garrison to clear away this mess. I do not wish to explain this to his majesty."

Berk turned his feet toward the kitchen. "At least it is only three days more until you have men enough to properly watch him, especially upon the road to Brecken."

"About that," Cameron began as they walked, "I think we should take the north road through Kingspass and straight to Brecken. I know the pass is watched, but unless I am mistaken, Lord Neron will insist upon traveling with us. Neron will certainly ride by to his majesty, as that is the place that affords the greatest honor."

"Well, you know his lordship." Berk nodded as they neared the kitchen. "I should like to discuss this a later time."

"As would I." Cameron nodded, and gestured that Berk should precede him to the kitchens.

"Good Woman," Berk approached the woman who seemed to be ordering the others about, "Tell me, has word come just now from his majesty to send a tray of foodstuffs and wine?"

"Nay, milord." She dipped her head to Berk and Cameron in turn. "But what brings you here, milord? Shall I prepare some food for you?"

"Do not trouble yourself, good woman." Berk gave a bold grin and a wink. "I ken my way well about the kitchen. I will not stand upon ceremony when my belly is empty and such fine food is to be found as there is in the king's own kitchens!"

She rolled her eyes and nodded her dismissal of them before turning back to her work, which was apparently ordering everyone else about.

Cameron frowned.

"Do not worry." Berk smiled and patted Cameron on the shoulder. "I spoke true. I smelled venison stew the moment we stepped inside. Let me fetch two round loaves and I shall make us bread stew. Do you suppose you can find wine?"

"I think I can manage to ask one of these lasses to find it." Cameron chuckled.

A few moments later, Berk found Cameron seated at the servants' table with two glasses of wine poured, and a bottle upon the table. Berk set a tray upon the table. Stew was ladled into the hollowed centers of two round loaves. The bread removed, the bowl itself, and the dirks upon their belt would be means enough to eat.

"It smells delicious." Cameron smiled as he pulled the tray so that it was between them, one bowl upon each end of it. "Now, tell me more about his lordship."


Cameron considered himself a man of great reserve and strength. He was able to resist the prodding of enemy taunts and never allowed his anger to be stirred so that he acted rashly. In battle to act thus could mean death. But the following morn as he stood at his place behind his majesty, his self-restraint was sorely tested.

Despite their efforts to keep the incident quiet, word of the failed assassination attempt had reached his majesty. Instead of ordering more security, his majesty sat upon his throne in the council chambers and crowed like a banty rooster, boasting of the failed attempt.

He made such ludicrous assumptions and challenges that Cameron twice lifted his hand before jerking it back to his side. At that moment, he fully understood what Berk meant by giving your loyalty to the crown and not to the king.

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