Chapter 44

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"That was grosser than when Matilde cuts off a chicken head." Sofi announced. "It was even more grosser than when Robin cut the guts out of the fishes for cook."

Gwyn was not certain if she should be relieved that the child was not screaming in terror, or appalled that the child was not shrieking in terror. Gwyn remembered Matilde saying that Sofi's parents were both killed when Sofi was three...

Or was it four? Was Sofi present when her parents met their end?...

Dropping the skillet, Gwyn pushed off the cart, intending to climb up and comfort Sofi. As she stood to her full height and took the first step, her stomach rolled and she closed her eyes. The ground tipped beneath her feet and she opened her eyes to see Rin coming toward her, with a concerned look upon his face.

She tried to take a step forward, intending to tell him all was well but her bones were suddenly made of paper and her legs folded beneath her.


"What happened?" Gil asked. "Does she still breathe?"

"Sofi..." Gwyn murmured, struggling to open her eyes. They were talking about Sofi. "What...?"

"What happened I know not. I was wrestling with that fellow," Rin jerked his thumb toward the wine lover, "and dispatched him in time to see her facing off that fellow," Rin jerked his thumb toward the lithe man, "with our skillet. I intervened and dispatched the fellow, but when I saw Mary, she was white as the pope's robes. She took one step and crumbled to the ground."

Gwyn tried to say something but everything was fuzzy and her words came out in a moan.

"Let me take her." Gil said. "You round up those horses and ride one to the farm. Get Elsbet and tell her to bring anything that might help us with these wounds."

She felt Gil's arms and then heard his voice low in her ear.

"Love, you need to let go of Rin. I have you now."

Leaning toward the warmth and the sound of his voice, she felt safe.

All would be well.

With that thought, she let the darkness claim her again.


When next she woke, she was lying on the ground. Blinking she took a moment to clear her mind before she realized the darkness was night, and not due to her aching head. Reaching her hand toward her head, she moaned as she felt the aches and bruises of her abuse at the hand of those men.

"Sofi!" She tried to call out but it came out a mumble.

"Sofi is safe." Gil was at her side, speaking softly as he gently pressed her shoulder to keep her from rising. "Be still."

"My head hurts." She complained as she reached for her head.

"Do not touch it." Gil caught her wrist. "I stopped the bleeding but could do little else. Rin brough Elsbet. She had to cut a little of your hair away to stitch it but—"

"She cut my hair!" her other hand flew to the wound and met a bandage. She winced.

It was a large bandage.

"My hair." She lamented.

"Elsbet did not cut much. Just a little around the cut so she could stitch it. She knew you were a healer so she made me remember all that she did in order to tell you. She wanted you to know that you were well treated."

Gwyn blinked and licked her dried lips. She could not summon her voice and nodding was impossible. Thankfully, Gil seemed to take that as a cue to continue.

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