Chapter 29

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As he lay tortured, and waiting for Drew to finish he looked around and realized that he was in his own tent...with the privacy curtains hung and drawn. It was rare to hang them, more so still to draw them. Not wanting to unclench his teeth to speak, for fear he may whimper like a wee lad, he merely pointed to the curtains.

"You were in bad shape. I was not sure if you were going to make it. Since you are our captain, I thought it would be better for morale if they could not watch me dig out that arrow and stitch you back together."

"I suppose it would not be good for morale if they watched me die either." Erec groused, then hissed as more witch hazel hit the open sores and stung like hell.

Drew chuckled as he continued to clean and bandage Erec's wounds.

"You are enjoying this."

"Maybe a little." Drew admitted as Erec hissed again.

"Why did you kick me in the head?"

"What?" Drew paused, a strip of bandage mid-air.

"I feel like I was kicked in the head by a mule and you are the only ass I know around here."

Unfortunately, the desired effect was lost as he started another coughing spell. This time it took several sips of wine before he was able to breathe again.

"And you," Drew deadpanned as he resumed his work with the bandage. "are the only ass that I know around here. So, I would say that makes us an even-matched pair, does it not?"

"Aye." Erec smiled, resisting the urge to laugh for fear of coughing again.

"Have you told Cameron that I shall live?"

"I have not." Drew answered with a frown as he met Erec's eyes. "I have only just finished."

"You have told no one that I yet live? Not even John or Thomas?"

"I sent them back to Brecken before I joined you on the battlefield." Drew paused, trying to read Erec's face. After a moment he pronounced with certainty: "You want to fake your death."

"I think it my best defense. We expected trouble. If only I had expected something of this magnitude. Now because of me, seventeen of our number have died."

"Not true." Drew interjected as he tied the last bit of bandage off. "You nearly died because of the hatred of the king. Those men that we lost? They died doing their duty. Cameron was playing a similar blame game. I had to remind him of the same. Lest we forget the three escaped prisoners?"

"The illusive assassins finally have faces. Rather a bad bit of irony that we had the assassins bound all this time."

"Three faces that I shall not soon forget." Drew shook his head. "And neither will the lady Gwyndolyn, I imagine."

Erec tensed at the reminder of the small woman with the large heart and the healer's touch. Drew's hand rested on Erec's good shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. Erec met his gaze.

"I sent John and Thomas before the battle was fully engaged. They were riding hard and well away before those three escaped. I am confident that they will reach Brecken with warning before any attack can be made. She will be safe. You may trust her to Brecken's protection. And if you do not, John and Thomas will see to it."

"They will ride back here post-haste." Erec argued.

"They will. But not before Brecken is warned."


"Is well and safe. Now if you do not want to die in truth, you must rest."

"I must die." Erec frowned. "You must tell—"

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