Chapter 27

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Gwyndolyn could not sleep, although she knew she must as she looked to the small bodies of the two orphans curled in her bed. Sofi awoke from a screaming nightmare and after calming her, Robin brought Sofi to Gwyn. Too upset by the news of Erec's danger and of her imminent departure, they could not be convinced to return to their own beds this night.

It was just as well. She seemed to need their presence to keep her hold on her sanity. She knew she should not be so quick to assume the worst. Erec was a lifelong knight with years of service and battle behind him.

Ambush she thought with a shiver.

Erec was ever watchful but an ambush by its very definition...

Turning sharply, she began to pace the length of her room once more when a soft scratching at the door had her eyes darting about for a weapon.

She grabbed up a candlestick and held it, testing its weight. Keeping it from view she cautiously opened the Keeping door a tiny bit, bracing it against her foot and shoulder in case it was pushed.

"My Lady!" she gasped softly. "Come in."

"No. We must not be seen. Come..."

She followed as Lady Alexandi led them to a room Gwyn did not recognize for all her exploring of the castle these many months past.

"This is one of his lordship's rooms. No one will question if they see the light beneath the door. Nor will they intrude upon us."

"But why the secrecy? Why must we not be seen? You are the lady of the hall. Surely..."

"Because I do not know whom to trust. For some time now I have felt that all is not well with his lordship, but he will tell me nothing of what troubles him so. I see men come and go...There are messengers and missives and far too much secrecy..."

"Do you suspect his lordship...?!" Gwyndolyn was incredulous.

"To my eternal shame, I do. What he is involved in is something very dangerous. Of that I am certain. But whether or not my Norbert is a willing participant..."

"This is grave news indeed. How shall you fare when I am gone. Should you not fear to be alone?"

"Nay. Norbert has kept me in the dark about his dealings for my protection. I am only a pawn they can threaten to gain his cooperation."

"As am I for Erec..."

"Just so. But I am not helpless, and neither are you. Norbert will not trust me with the knowledge I seek but I have discovered some of it on my own. I know that it involves Bishop Anouk and the king...and those infernal scrolls. I cannot make sense of it yet. I know also that there are men seeking to kill your new husband."

"Aye." Gwyn nodded. "That much we knew already. Erec thinks mayhap they were sent by the king...but you do not! I can see it in your face! Surely you do not think that his lordship..."

"Shh!" Alexandi urged, "Nay! Norbert has loved Erec as a father loves a son since Erec was a wee lad. But these men...they are dangerous men and they are powerful men. I do not know what hold they have upon my Norbert. But enough of this. You need a place to hide until Erec can figure this out."

"I have my father's farm...and Erec has Greenwood."

"The farm will not do at all. There is simply no way to defend it. As for Greenwood, if it were the least bit habitable...but alas I fear that is not the case. It will not do either. It is too obvious a place and you would not withstand a siege in such a poorly prepared castle."

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