Chapter 42

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There was a chill in the air when they left  on the following morning just as the blackness of night began to glow softly with the first gray of early dawn. Gwyn turned to look at Sofi, snug under her blankets all nestled on a bed of fresh hay. She felt neither bite of the night cold nor the bumps of the road. Turning forward, Gwyn caught a blast of wind full in the face.

An uncontrollable shiver shook her to the core. As she tugged her cloak tighter about her shoulders, Gil slipped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his side, rubbing her arm from shoulder to elbow.

"Cold morning."

"It will be... if morning ever gets here." She yawned. Berk woke them two hours before their agreed upon time.

"Sleep." Gil offered, "We have a long ride ahead. Berk wanted us to arrive at the village with enough light that anyone watching us will see us go in."

"And that is important because?"

Gil smiled. He and John had noted that while Gwyn was easy going and easy by nature, she was not at all fond of mornings.

"We will stay only the one night before we make an early start for Berk's farm."

"It is the same as we did when we travelled from there to Kingstown. Aside, we left our mule and cart at his farm when we rode with him to Kingstown."

"When we leave the village, Berk will be sleeping comfortably in the stables. As comfortably as Sofi is right now, I imagine."

"What?" Gwyn fought another yawn, as curiosity battled with fatigue. "I do not understand. I thought Berk..."

Gil did not answer her, as he saw the thoughts churning behind her tired eyes. He knew she had the answer...

"Someone is switching places with Berk." It was not a question. Gil smiled and tapped the end of her nose.

"Spot on, Love. He shall remain to coordinate the men of the former Royal Guard in order to give Cameron some little support in case Neron makes a move before ... before WE can figure out what needs to be done next."

"I think—" Gwyn covered her mouth as another gaping yawn took every ounce of her meager energies.

"I think you need to sleep." Gil smiled, using his free hand to gently press her head to his chest.

It was rather draining to appear calm and to be consumed with the lovelies displayed in the market when the three men who murdered your father and hunted you like a wild rabbit were so very close...And all the while with your heart thumping a wild beat in your ears...

"Hmm." She mumbled and surrendered to sleep.


Gwyn awoke sometime later to the delightful sound of Sofi's laughter. Stretching she startled when her hands hit wood. Her heart began thumping in alarm as her eyes shot open and she looked about...with a sigh she relaxed back in to the little hay bed. Sofi was on Gil's lap holding the reins. Gil's hands gently covered hers and helped her to guide the horses.

Sofi adored him. It was good for her to be with them in their hiding. She seemed to finally feel safe again and was slowly becoming more like a child should be. She would often talk for long stretches of time, she smiled more often and even laughed once in a while. She was such a shy sad little girl when she first came to live with Gwyn and Robin.

The thought of Robin made her smile grow. How could Sofi not begin to come out of her safe little turtle shell where she hid from...everything...when Robin was nearby. He was outspoken, and such an adventurous spirit that Sofi would naturally be swept right along in his search for fun and joy in almost everything. What child could not? Sooth, what PERSON could not?

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