Chapter 38

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"It has been difficult, Berk. Gil...bert, Gilbert here was a soldier and while he was away, I had Sofi to manage and the farm...and well, he is back to us safe now, although not quite the way he left us..."

"Lose the farm?" Berk asked.

"I manage alright." Gil said. "It just takes a lot longer than before. Mary is a great help though, and Sofi."

"Sofi?" Berk asked looking around as there was no one in sight, save Gwyn and Gil.

"Our daughter." Gil said as he used his crutch and hobbled back to lift Sofi out of the back. Sofi squeezed her eyes shut tight and hugged Shelba close. As soon as Gil had her tucked to his side, she buried her nose in his neck.

"Shy." Gwyn mouthed as Berk helped her down.

"Well, it is a long ride. I am sure you are all quite tired. It is too bad. Pim just took mince meat pies from the oven and when she heard from Arthur that we had company, she set some apple tarts to baking."

At the mention of apple tarts, Sofi lifted her head and peeked shyly at Berk.

"Hi sweeting." Berk smiled kindly. "I am your Uncle Berk. Mary here is my sister, but she got married and left a long time ago. You have never seen me and your mama has never seen Pim or Arthur either. Well, Pim was a wee little one when your mama left so we will all be strangers together."

Sofi tucked her face back into Gil's neck and he leaned on his crutch as they followed Berk back to the house.

It was a beautiful house. Not overly large, and certainly not fancy. It was much like her father's home, but this one was larger with three doors leading to other rooms. It was cozy and welcoming and Gwyn felt at once that she had come home. Sofi peeked shyly from Gil's shoulder but hid her face anytime someone noticed.

So, everyone pretended not to.

"This is my wife, Elsbet. My daughter Pim.  And my son Arthur, but you met him already I suppose." Berk offered.

"Glad to meet you. I am Gilbert, until recently of his majesty's army. This is my wife Mary and our daughter Sofi."

"Mary is my sister." Berk offered. "We have not seen each other in many years. Not since Pim was a wee little thing." Berk held his hand out to indicate a height about even with his knee.

"It is good to meet you." Elsbet offered. "And to see you again Mary. It has been so very long."

Awkward meetings done with, they gathered around a large table to enjoy heavenly stew, fresh bread, mince meat pies and apple tarts. It was all washed down with wine and cold milk for the children, and by the meal's end, they were carrying on like old friends.

It was late and Sofi was very sleepy but she did not want to leave her parents.

"Shall I tell you a secret Sofi?" Pim whispered.

Interested in a secret, Sofi gave a shy nod.

"I am afraid of the dark and my brother Arthur likes to tease me for it. Would you come with me so that I shall not be alone? If you are with me, I shall not be afraid and then my brother shall not be able to tease me."

"I have a brother and he teases me too." Sofi confided, sliding from Gil's lap.

Questioning gazes fell on Gil.

"Robi—Rob is eleven. He did not wish to come so he is staying with my brother Dermot and his family. Our cousin promised to teach him how to use a dagger."

"That is a good age for learning. Mayhap I shall get to meet Rob on your next visit."

"I hope so." Gwyn smiled. "But I fear the older he gets, the less he is interested in tagging along with Mama. He would much rather be running around the farm or spending time with Gilbert's family learning to wrestle and fight."

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