Chapter 22

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"You are far too clever for your own good. I cannot answer, for I do not know." Erec kissed her nose. "I promise you that shall be careful. You must also be careful. Keep the children close. Stay within the castle after sundown. And if you need anything at all, you have only to ask the Baron."

"Shall I ask him to keep you safe for me?"

Erec chuckled at her stubborn nature.

"He is given me a letter and a gift for the king. If there are concerns over our delayed return, they, along with the largest share of our spoils shall make the king a little less concerned."

She touched a palm to her forehead and sighed. "I wish to speak no more of murder and malice on this night. We have only two more days before you leave me. Will I see you again after you leave? Must I wait until all of this is finished?"

Erec took her face between his hands and slowly leaned forward.

"I shall visit you and I shall write to you as often as I am able...This I swear." He whispered the last against her lips before claiming them in what he hoped was only the first of many kisses this night.


In the morning Erec stretched the sleep from his limbs. His lady was gone from the room. With a smile, he climbed from the bed, slipping quickly into his undergarments and padded over to the wash basin.

Cupping his hands, he splashed his face to wash away the last remnants of a restful sleep and was pleased to discover the water was yet warm. He quickly donned the wool stockings and was reaching for his shirt when the door opened suddenly.

"Good morn, my love."

"You are in good spirits." He said as he slipped his shirt over his head. He liked to think that a night of making love with him would leave her thus, but she had deep concerns from their conversation last night. "It is only that I thought you might be a little more upset..."

"Upset?" She raised a brow and flashed him a mischievous smile. "That I should be released from servitude? That I should be promoted to the ranks of a gentle woman?" she swept her hands in a gesture over her new gown, "Or that you have promised to love me and the children, to protect us and provide for us all the rest of our days? I cannot be upset by such good fortune."

"I cannot believe my own good fortune. When I awoke and you were gone, I thought that perhaps...but you are still here."

She closed the space between them, clasped his hands to her heart and placing a kiss upon them before looking up at him with moist eyes.

"I can think of no one else that I—I mean to say—that is—there is no one of my acquaintance that is so good and honorable a knight. You are a noble man, Erec, if not by birth, then certainly in deed. I am honored to take such a man as you to husband."

"Such a man would indeed be a fine husband. But you exaggerate, for I am not such a man. I am but a soldier and I am bound by my service to the crown."

"Did you never wonder, my lord, why it is that you were the one to save my life?"

"You forget, it was I who brought the danger."

"Those men were not acting under your orders." She frowned at him, "They acted on their own, as are the men in the wood, and the ones from the hall. I think—nay, I know—that you were sent to save me. We are meant to be together."

"And then fate will bestow peace upon the king's heart and touch him with mercy and grace so that he leaves off his animosity toward me. He will retire me to my land and let me grow old there in peace, drawing my allowances for the rest of my days? My lady, you are too hopeful."

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