Chapter 49

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"Nay. We stick to the plan. We need superstitions to stir fear in their hearts. I can only pray that the men were able to stir up the people. A campaign such as they undertook, whispering in every ear such as they are...such a campaign is better served with greater numbers and they are but three."

"Aye, but they are but three... of your men. And really that is the same as twelve ordinary men. They may not be able to whisper in every ear as you say, but they will know into which ears they must whisper so that the words will be repeated again and again. Have no doubt, my friend. By the time they reach Brecken, your name will be on every tongue."

"It shall be as Gwyn hoped. That is good. We can only hope that the effect we are creating will be vivid enough to make our enemies tremble when they hear that I am returned."

"They trembled at your presence long before the ambush" Drew reminded Erec. "It follows that upon your appearance after the rumors of your death and your desecrated and empty grave that their fear will be so great that they piss themselves and run screaming from the field of battle."

Erec chuckled and shook his head. "You paint a pretty picture, my friend. It would be blessing to win with such overwhelming odds against us but if we could win without suffering great losses..."

"From your lips to God's ears, my friend." Drew gave a nod and shivered.

"Let us sleep back-to-back." Erec said moving next to his friend. "It will be a cold wet night. Aside, I have no desire to freeze to death the night before I am to make my grand resurrection appearance."

Drew shook his head but turned so he leaned against Erec.

Erec knew that it was doubtful that either of them would sleep much. It was always like this before a battle. In the morning as they made ready their horse and armor and rode out, fatigue would melt away leaving them energized with their mounting anticipation.

"It is obvious it is cold." Drew shrugged trying to bring his shoulders closer together so that he might close the blanket over his chest. "But how did you figure it was to be a wet night?"

Just as he finished, a drop of rain hit his cheek and he heard the rumble of distant thunder.

Drew cursed.

Erec laughed.

"Look up at the sky."

Tipping his head back, Drew's breath caught. The clouds were beginning to gather and the moon glowed brightly. But what stopped his heart was the large reddish ring around the moon.

"A bloodied halo means rain?"

"No, the clouds told me that." Erec laughed. But the bloodied halo as you called it should worry the superstitious lot. They will consider it an omen and will be looking high and low to see if it portends good or evil."

"Our luck is holding." Drew chuckled, suddenly forgetting how difficult it was to speak when his teeth were nearly chattering. "Your appearance is good and evil. Good for Brecken but Evil for the enemy."

"Let us pray that they see it that way as well. Our undertaking is a risky one at best. There is a very good chance that we will fall on that battlefield and I shudder to think what will become of my family should that happen. But...If this spectacle we create does what it is meant to do, then mayhap our chance of survival will improve."

"Have a little faith, my friend." Drew sighed and gave up on trying to get any more warmth from the too-small blanket. "You survived that ambush against all odds. And we have been in every sort of battle on every sort of terrain from one end of this kingdom to the other. All will be well."

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