Chapter 50

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"Sofi!" he said, kissing her hair and inhaling the scent of little girl.

His heart swelled within his breast until he thought it might burst. He developed a fondness for the children almost at once when first he met them. The many weeks together in hiding only increased his affections. But it was not until he watched them riding away from him that he realized just how much they meant to him.

As the days and nights passed in their absence, he wished to hear Sofi laugh or to see Robin's triumphant smile during one of their chess games. He longed to hear the happy chatter that surrounded them in their hiding home. Instead, he heard only the sounds of Drew's soft snoring and the normal night sounds of the wood.

He thought it was Gwyn that made his lonely heart beat with new life, but when his eyes caught sight of little Sofi running to greet him...and her joyous smile only for him...well, he learned differently. Little Sofi had him wrapped around her tiny little fingers. His heart thumped and he ran to catch the little nymph that had stolen his heart away.

"My little Sofi! I have missed you so!"

"I missed you, Papa!" Sofi said as he moved her to his hip. "I told Mama not to be sad. I told her you would come back and that everything would be alright."

"You are a very smart little girl." Erec grinned and touched her nose.

Sofi giggled and wiggled down. It was just as well, for he no sooner stood upright again then Robin launched himself. Erec caught the boy up in a hug and felt his eyes mist over. Robin was holding him so tightly.

"I missed you, Papa." Erec said stepping back and swiping at his face.

"I missed you too." Erec knew that Robin held an equal share of his affections. It mattered not to him that he did not father these two children. They were his to raise...and he loved them...very much. At last, he understood what it meant when he caught his father looking at him just so. Swallowing past a lump in his throat, he looked with a father's love upon Robin.

"I think you have grown since I saw you last." Erec ruffled the boy's hair.

"I am near as tall as Mama now." Robin said proudly standing as tall as he could.

"And so, you are." Erec smiled at Robin before lifting his eyes.

Gwyn was coming toward him, walking demurely with the grace of a lady. Erec smiled, feeling his world complete with his family restored to him. His smile grew when she lifted her skirt and ran to him. He caught her up and twirled her around just as he had done for Sofi.

He heard Sofi and Robin laughing at them. He chuckled as he set Gwyn to her feet but the laughter died in his throat as she gazed up at him and he saw all of his love reflecting back at him from that dear face. Draw like a moth to the flame, he bent and kissed her without reservation.

He was home.

Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead against hers. "I have missed you wife."

"And I you, husband." Gwyn did not even try to wipe the tears that fell from her eyes.


They were very long in the courtyard as the people crowded near, each wishing to see with his or her own eyes that Lord Erec was returned. Even then, it was difficult to believe. Finally, when Erec noticed Gwyn was tiring, he nodded to Drew.

In a moment Drew, John and the others made a wall around Erec and his family and moved them safely through the courtyard and into the castle. Once inside, Gil and Dermot took the lead clearing the way. Gwyn and Erec walked hand in hand. John followed next holding a child with each hand. Drew and Thomas followed behind, keeping people at arm's length.

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