Chapter 31

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"Perhaps. But did you not tell me that Drew, John, and Thomas were dismissed with the rest of your former men? That they have remained with you of their own accord, serving with you not as paid soldiers under King's service, but as loyal friends. There is no need for them to return, even if their absence should be noted."

"Neatly done, wife." He smiled proudly. She was clever, but he had another question for her. "And what of Gil and Dermot?"

Gwyndolyn tugged at the cuffs of her sleeves in her agitation.

"I cannot think of everything!" she blurted, "You are the great warrior!" she sputtered then threw her hands up as she looked crossly at him. "You figure it out!"

Erec enjoyed her fluster and chuckled, which turned into another fit of coughing. In an instant, Gwyn forgot her annoyance and her distress over Erec's condition and was once more a healer, competently aiding him until he was once more breathing comfortably. As she stepped back to pour another cup of water, she noticed he had a particular look on his face.

"What is it that has you so...I do not know." She finished after a short pause. Shaking her head, she went on. "My first thought is that you look frightened...or nervous perhaps. But that makes no sense as it is only you and I at present. So perhaps you are in pain and do not wish to admit it? Really, dearest, you must tell your healer what truly ails you, else you shall never be well."

Erec shook his head and tried to take a deep breath. Feeling his chest tighten, he paused and slowly released it. When he was certain that he would not be coughing again, he began.

"You are not far from the mark, sweeting. You see, I know what me must do next and it will be most painful to endure, so I was rather hoping to put it off as long as possible but—"

"Now you listen to me, husband, and listen well." She ignored his smile as it was not the reaction she expected and pressed on. "I have not ridden my backside to blister so that I can be left behind while you go off...well, you can just forget it! You are a very sick man and you might yet expire from that wound without my help."

She stomped her foot and then her shoulders sagged. Tears filled her eyes, though she blinked them back as she spoke from her heart: "Ne adverseris mihi ut relinquam te et abeam: quocumque enim perrexeris, pergam, et ubi morata fueris, et ego pariter morabor..."

"Populus tuus populus meus, et Deus tuus Deus meus." Erec finished as he gazed at her lovingly, holding out his hand and beckoning her to his side once more. (Ruth 1:16 Vulgate Bible)

"I am happy that you are here. For sooth, Drew and I knew you were come. Tis why we waited here when we should have left as soon as I was sewn up. It is a long ride to Greenwood and there will be much work to do when we arrive. Our enemies will not be far behind and they will show us no mercy if they catch us."

"Alexandi thought of that." She smiled as she found a few inches on the edge of the cot and sat next to him. She leaned toward him and rested her hand on the other side of the cot else she should fall, as she had only a palms breadth beneath her. It did not escape her that their hips touched, but she ignored her blush as she explained:

"That is why we are not going to Greenwood. And of course, you cannot ride..."

"How else am I to travel? We have no wagon and it is an unalterable truth to say that I cannot walk..." He paused as the rest of what she said sank in. "And just where do you suppose that a dead man such as I can go if not to Greenwood? I cannot be seen alive."

"You shall not be seen at the Abbey. And you will not ride."

She spoke with a finality that he could not doubt she felt to her very soul. But as he opened his mouth to argue the point, she hurried on.

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