Tsukishima Kei: Oblivious

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Summary: Humour

• Going to Tokyo Training Camp as Karasunos' manager and Tsukis partner is all well and good until two playful Captains' take a flirty shine to you.

Warnings: None


There was no harm in wanting to support the team, being close with a majority of the first years meant you jumped at the chance to assist Karasuno at the Tokyo Training Camp. Honorary assistant manager was your new title - with all the teams present, the extra help would be beneficial.

Although, you hadn't realised just how helpful you could be until you were walking back beside Tsukishima on the first day - a callout from Gymnasium 3 halting you both in your tracks.

You'd recognised them as Bokuto, Akaashi and Kuroo from Fukurōdani and Nekoma respectively. The trio requesting the abilities of your Middle Blocking partner to aid in their additional training even of he disturbingly quick to decline.

A gentle look of disappoint befell your features as you looked up to Kei, the blonde already beginning to stalk off whilst you were about to follow suit.

"Oya, what about you?" The ravenette vague gestured to capture your attention, yourself perplexed that he'd even noticed you.


"Yeah, you help Karasuno right? Working with different teams will improve your understanding too y'know?" Akaashi nodded along with Kuroos' explanation, Bokuto practically vibrating with excitement as he stepped out from the gym to meet you halfway.

"Especially with a top 5 Ace of Japan~"


Tsukki shrugged, not minding your choice as the eager Ace gladly slung an arm of your shoulder regardless of Akaashis scolding and escorted you inside.

The evenings were arguably your favourite part, continuously spewing to Kei about how friendly and kind the Captains were - subtle hints requesting him to accompany you evaded throughout.

It wasn't until he'd done some self discovery of his own that he was drawn to extra practice - finding Kuroo playfully resting his arm on your shoulder and smirking at you a little too admiringly for the blondes liking.

However he let it slide, trusting you completely but lacked the belief you had any idea Kuroo was flirting with you.

"Beautiful! Can you play on my team?" Came the vibrancy of the Ace, proudly winking at you with a bright smile. Apparently Bokuto too...

"Don't you already have three players Kōtarō?"

Tsukki tensed at the informality - glaring at the Aces brightening eyes, apparently the upperclassman allowed you to tread into friendly terminology.

"Akaashi says we're unbalanced, plus Kuroo will be too distracted to play well!" Came Kōtarōs' justification, soon followed by Tetsurōs' defensive comeback.

"More like you'll be too busy showing off for her birdbrain!" Tsukki joined your side during their dispute, a gentle nudge hitting your shoulder causing you to look to him with a mirroring challenging expression.

"(Y/n), do they know about us?"

"They never asked, and I haven't said anything, unless you have. Why?" The was intention behind his question, crafty smirk and devious irises darkening upon processing your innocent shrug.

"No reason."


A friendship strengthened up until the final day, Kuroo and Bokuto issuing personalised goodbyes to specifically you - but Tsukishima hadn't provided the opportunity to catch you alone, so they took what they had.

"Hey hey hey (Y/n)! You'll come visit Tokyo to hang out right?"

"Yes of course!" Tsukishima exasperatedly sighed from your side, condescendingly tilting his head with a pitiful smirk.

"You can be really dense sometimes y' know?"

"Hey! You can be a smartass sometimes, y'know?!" Came your mockery, pouting at your boyfriend with an air of annoyance.

"At least I can tell when a person likes me."

"..." A unanimous beat of silence passed, the two Captains shooting to him with expressions of both panicked surprise and irritation due to divulging their harboured admirations, which only amused him further - until you sassily cut in.

"Oh sweetheart, it took months for you to realise I was crushing on you."

"Wait - wait, you and four eyes are together???" Kuroo took a hesitant step forward, accusingly gesturing between yourself and Tsukishima with a sense of agitation whilst Bokuto dramatically grasped your shoulders, hair deflating as he spoke.

"He won the bet?!"

"Huh? What bet?" Smiling politely at the Ace, your innocence was cutely genuine but the subtle glare you darted at Kei less so.

"We each put in ¥1000 to see who you like more, guess beanstalk wins it all."

"But we were already-" Attempting to respond to Kuroos explanation, Kei smugly intertwined your fingers with his own. The affectionate gesture was accompanied by a rare soft smile that silenced you, prior to flicking back to the Captains with a competetive (but infuriating) aura.

"We'll see you at National's."


"You conned them?!" It was a hushed accusing whisper sent to your proud boyfriend the second you sat on the bus, the blonde nonchalantly shrugging beside you.

"It's not my fault they didn't realise you were my girlfriend, it's not like we kept it covert."

This left you to pause, Tsukishima turning to you expectantly after a second or so.

"So you just decided to extort our friends. Of ¥2000."

"Yes, fair trade for them flirting with you all week." The sheer unapologetic nature to your conclusive statement was enviable, but you were quick to defend yourself.

"They weren't fl-"

"My (Y/n), so oblivious. Anyway, I figured we could use it to go on a date together?" Tskiushima briskly proposed, unveiling his ulterior motive underlying his entire scheme and you couldn't fight the awed smile dancing on your lips.

"I mean... I did tell them I was in love with another, so they should've got the hint."

"So, the museum and a Café?" Already flicking through ticket prices on his phone, you shared a brief kiss before gladly winking at your other half.

"Sounds perfect Kei~"


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