Ushijima Wakatoshi: Always

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Quick Intro:

This is a Anime x Reader set of one shots, stories, imagines - whatever you want to call them.
Firstly, hello and welcome! 👋

I'm willing to take x reader Requests so if you want one, just message/comment.
Please do request, my creativity levels are borderline terrible and your ideas are probably WAY better that mine so just go for it.

This is also on my Tumblr @jesswritesthat, so it's the same person, though there's extra stuff over there like Headcanons.

So let's get started - wish me luck!
~ Jessica

Summary: Fluff and some drama

You were always by Ushijima and vice versa, but it sends shockwaves into your friendship when suddenly you aren't anymore.

Warnings: None


"That was incredible Ushijima!"

"What do you expect from one of the top Aces in Japan?!"

"Senpai could you—"

"(Y/n)." It effortlessly cut every compliment down, deadpan gaze sending chills down the spines of his admiring peers to be met with your analytical ones. The expectation was one you were used to, even if he hadn't explicitly mentioned anything - your name was all you needed, in that straightforward tone that silently asked for your input.

You skipped past pointless compliments just as you always had with him, he knew he was talented so he always pried you for more than that.

"You could've hit it from a higher contact point, it'd make it harder for Kawanishi and Tendō to block it." You gave a haphazard tilt of your head, contrasting the depth of your observation whilst Satori shot you an incredulous look and Ushijima simply nodded in understanding before performing a spike mirroring your altercations.

The Ace once more locked irises with you, seeking approval as to whether it was an improvement to the previous hit and you nodded in reply - these commonplace 'psychic' conversations earning an amused chuckle from the red head.

"You really trust (Y/n)-chan, huh Wakatoshi?"



That's the best possible description you had for your friendship with 'Ushiwaka' and the current Team of Shiratorizawa fell short on applicable definitions also - ones that weren't teasing that is.

Ushijima had been by your side for as long as you could remember, and vice versa, you'd survived Elementary School, Middle School, many spikes to your body and were now in your final year of High School together.

That's how the team became well acquainted with you over the past 2 years, being their Manager certainly aided that but the ease of conversation and contact Wakatoshi exhibited toward you piqued their interest firsthand - no we aren't dating, yes we're both single, it's none of your business who has a crush on who, we're here to play Volleyball not question our love lives!

However, any ongoing hopeful suspicion was brutally eradicated when a former project partner of yours unintentionally disrupted practice by slinging a friendly arm around your shoulder -

"Shit Kaito, dodge!" Came your panicked vocals, tugging the boy further into your proximity to narrowly avoid a hurtling spike from Ushijima.

The chaos fell into a tense silence, the Team completely aware that their Aces' aim was drastically awry - though they breathed nothing of it once witnessing how his brows furrowed incomprehensibly, gazing to you with almost a flash of hurt.

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