Kuroo Tetsurō: Senpai Shenanigans

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Summary: Fluff

• Yachi views you as a mentor during training camp which makes it that much harder to keep your feelings for Kuroo a secret.

Warnings: None


Yachi didn't know what to expect from the training camp, despite the Karasuno team being in her proximity she couldn't help but be distracted by the matches taking place in the gymnasium, so much so that she'd missed the powerful ball hurtling towards her. Before she could react, or anyone else for that matter, a mysterious figure performed a perfect receive - angling the volleyball into the nearby basketball net without so much as a sound.

"If any of you harm this pure little angel then you'll be answering to me? Understand?" Now the words held a threatening undertone, a hand resting on the woman's hip as she cocked an expectant brow toward the offending team.

Yachi stared up at her completely awestruck, she was as beautiful if not more so than Kiyoko with her (h/c) hair and drawing aura that left the newest manager speechless - no doubt this jaw dropping student was a third year, she wore red shorts and matching track jacket that was far too big for her, more accustomed to fit someone of 6'2" Yachi estimated.


"Yes ma'am." Instantly the hall answered, both out of fear and respect from the majority of the players who already knew who you were.

A kind smile graced your lips then, before turning to meet the panicking newbie behind you.

"Are you okay?"

"I - you - yes - pretty..." The blonde barely managed with the complimentary thoughts swarming her brain and sheer panic racing through her body.

"You could be in shock... I'm (Y/n) (L/n) by the way, the manager of Nekoma." You gave a reassuring smile, offering your hand despite your mild concerns.

"Yachi Hitoka - ma-manger in training of Karasuno. It's a pleasure to meet you - sorry for the trouble, I didn't mean to -"

"It's fine, really. I'm glad you're alright and if you need anything don't be afraid to ask me okay? I'll happily teach you everything I know. Pleasure meeting you." The first year only nodded at you, not trusting her own voice as you headed back to your hollering team.

"I wish we had female managers like Karasuno..." Yamamoto openly whined after viewing the scene, the rest of the team giving exasperated eye rolls, they were undeniably grateful for you.

"What, you don't think (L/n) is hot?" Kuroo inquired, almost offended but played it down to a casual tone.

"Of course, she's smoking but... (L/n) is scary and doesn't need us to save her from guys y'know? Like how Tanaka and Noya protect Kiyoko."

"Eh, I like our badass manger better. She keeps us in line and looks pretty attractive while doing it." The captain nonchalantly shrugged, obviously amused with his teammates answer.

You unfortunately didn't overhear most of that conversation from your position, strolling over to be met with the sly grins of your beloved teammates.

"Hey (L/n), what happened to your jacket hm?" Lev called out, the entire team attempting to further subdue their smirks.

"It's being washed after someone dropped their ramen all over it!" You sarcastically responded, their smiles briskly faltering in knowing what you said to be plausible.

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