Akaashi Keiji: Letters

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Summary: Fluff

• Akaashi is someone who really listens and when you offhandedly mention something you deem trivial, he delivers - literally.

Warnings: None


Where are they?!

You'd searched your immediate proximity and soon resorted to retracing your steps throughout the entirety of the school day to no avail - the last time you remembered seeing them was studying with Akaashi during your free period. The library had already suffered your dissection, unless...

The Volleyball Team were no longer phased by your occasional appearances, they'd heard their Captain talk about you often enough and knew you as favourable company of their Setter, so with a brief wave to Yukie and Kaori you headed over to your target.

"Akaashi! I think my belongings got mixed in with your notes." Carefully calling over to #5 as you dodged a hurling ball before actually managing to reach his side, the ravenette was quick to pull you out of the way from an oncoming Bokuto (no doubt aiming to tackle you) before answering.

"My bag is in the locker room, practice is over though, so if you wait for a few minutes I can grab it and check for you?"

"No problem, I'll help you clean up." Gratefully you nodded, heading over to assist the managers whilst the Captain sneakily confronted his friend who was already prepared for his taunts/subtle hunt for secrets.

"That must be why you love (N/n)!"

"That is why the whole team love (Y/n), but even when helping their smile is still bright..."

As he'd proposed, Akaashi met you back in the gymnasium afterwards and began flipping through his notes as you impatiently overlooked his movements.

"Are they in there?"

"If not we can go look for- ah, here you are." Ceasing his kind offer once attaining the abnormalities in his papers, he handed them over accompanied by your sigh of pure relief.

"Why'd you have letters?" The Ace, inquisitive as ever, skeptically inquired about your intentions as you tucked the stack into your bag.

"Huh? Oh no, you'll laugh honestly..."

"Tell us (Y/n)." Akaashi always held interest in your unusual ideas, willing to listen whenever presented the opportunity which is why you were so grateful to have him as a classmate for the past year and half - Bokuto on the other hand was supportive in his own way, but he couldn't keep secrets to save his life in your experience.

"I wrote them for my friends who don't attend Fukurōdani since I can't see them often. It's weird, I know." You playfully waved off Kōtarōs' incredulius expression, Akaashi tilting his head in consideration.

"Yeah it is, I mean can't you just use your phone?" Though noting your sheepishness, Kōtarō remained as honest as usual with his questioning.

"Sure, but a letter is more meaningful don't you think? It shows you've really thought about them and taken the effort to handwrite the content, it's personal and receiving one must feel so special compared to a text. I want my friends to experience that." You proudly grinned back, not expecting him to really bother with such an activity unless absolutely necessary which is why his further query didn't surprise you.

"How do you know that though if you text all the time?"

He'd got you there, the Ace was observant of his friends behaviours and you could only offer an haphazard shrug, with a hint of wistfulness lacing your tone.

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