Ukai Keinshin: Ace of Hearts

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Summary: Angst, Fluff

• Returning to Miyagi brings back old friends and High School memories that distracted you from the last encounter you had before leaving years ago. Until you see him again.

Warnings: None


A call from old friends or in this case, former schoolmates, always left you feeling somewhat nostalgic but you suspected there was more to this particular one.

"Your season has finished now, which means you're not busy..."

"What are you getting at?" You countered suspiciously, already deducting the hinting tone on the other end of the line.

"Come home this time (Y/n), see the sights and me of course~" Takinoues' flirting never ceased as you could only chuckle at his antics as you responded with equal mischief.

"Hmm, I'm not convinced Yūsuke."

"For Karasuno then, the current team are really promising and your advice will raise their gameplay! I'll even buy you dinner (Y/n)-chan, call it a date if you will." He tried again, the Neighbourhood Association players' argument unusually persuasive this time.

"Real smooth but unnecessary, you had me at 'come home'." You smiled softly, voiced laced with forgotten sentiment and already looking forward to seeing the Prefecture once more.

"Knew you missed Miyagi! I'll see you soon?"

"I'll start packing, oh but will the Coach be okay with me gatecrashing their practice? Have you even asked?"

"The coach? Oh yeah yeah, he'll be smitten trust me, he set up a practice match with the Neighbourhood Team last week so it'll be fine." With his (unconvincing) reassurance, you began preparations.


Karasuno High hadn't changed much since you'd left, the gym in a similar condition albeit rather empty once Takeda had let you in. You took the time to set up the net and such, now spinning a volleyball on your fingertips before performing a world class serve that shattered the silence. A proud grin crossed your features, High School practices seeming so distant now considering the progress you'd made.

"Woah! That serve was awesome! Better than Oikawa!" A bright ginger bounded up to you in wonder, simply marvelling at your form and the ball rolling on the other side of the court.

"Yamaguchi, you should ask for pointers." A brunette added, likely the Captain judging by his jersey so you took a moment to explain your unexpected presence.

"Oh - sorry to intrude like this. I'm here to assist your practice in any way I can."

"How did we acquire a Females Division 1 Ace?" A young woman shyly inquired, the boy beside you immediately sparking to life again at her enthralled observation.

"I've seen you play! You're the pro - (L/n), ohhhh please show me a serve again - ah wait your spikes are deadly, so can you teach me that too? I'm trying to become an Ace so-"

"Hinata! Let the professional player - aghhhh she's beautiful, back up so she can breathe!" A young man commented, dragging Shōyō away with help of the Libero who also wore a blush when complimenting your appearance.

"Sorry about them, I'm Sugawara Kōshi the Vice Captain and it's a pleasure to have someone so talented like yourself here." A grey haired third year bowed, exasperated by his teams antics by the looks of it and seemingly a voice of reason among them alongside his Captain.

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