Kuroo Tetsuro: Traitors

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Summary: Fluff

• [ REQUEST ] Kuroo x karasuno!reader where Kuroo picks his s/o up after practice and ya know he sleeps over since Tokyo is a trip thanks in advance❤️

Warnings: None


In retrospect, you wouldn't normally spend the afternoon helping out the Karasuno Volleyball team but as Kiyoko was your best friend, and you'd be waiting behind after school anyway, you didn't see the harm in utilising the passing hours productively.

It wasn't too much trouble either despite the chaotic players involved, they knew you well enough by your irregular visits and association of their manager so weren't phased by your presence - in fact they'd used it to their advantage on most occasions.

"(L/n)-Senpai! Can you block for me, I know you're pretty good!" Hinata happily proposed, spinning a volleyball in his hands as you released a hopeless sigh, fortunately you'd changed out of your school uniform when Kiyoko did.

"Sure, but not for long okay? My partner will be here soon." Was your compromise as the two of you strolled over to Tsukishima already giving an exasperated sigh.

"That's great - Thank you (L/n)!"


Yourself and the blonde posed as Middle Blockers for Hinata and Kageyamas coordination practice before the Setter became undeniably curious regarding your unforeseen skilfulness.

"You don't play Volleyball or anything, so how'd you learn to block like that?"

"The answer to that will arrive shortly, trust me." You laughed a little, once more encouraging the ravenette for a set meanwhile Hinata could only stare at you owlishly.

"That doesn't make sense... An answer can't arrive on its own."

"(Y/n) means their boyfriend dumbass." Tsukishima briskly chided, smugly smirking at the two which resulted in a harsher spike that time.

As predicted, 'the answer' did soon appear in a matter of minutes and it did not wait to be invited into the gym either.

"I told you before kitten, focus power into your fingertips so they won't get blown back." As accompaniment to the familiar voice, fingertips gently glided across your forearm from behind before reaching your hands and guiding your fingers into place with his own.

"Eh-Eh?! Kuroo?" Iniatilly there was pure shock in Hinatas expression once recognising the new familiar presence, openly gawking at his close proximity to you as the Captain snapped him out of it with his own snarky greeting.

"Sup Chibi-chan, Four Eyes~"

Before any of the surrounding players could further question his unexpected arrival, Kuroo moved beside you and beckoned the opposing middle blocker with his signature smirk.

"Okay Shorty, think you can handle a triple block?"

Without hesitation, the dynamic duo performed a signature 'Freak-Quick' which Kuroo had strategically blocked and mocked the pair in good taste issuing constructive feedback like the compassionate Captain he was, rivals or not.

"See, Tetsu taught me to block so I could help Nekoma out when I visit him." You happily confirmed, gesturing to your boyfriend as testament to their previous inquiries.

"Wait, so Kuroo Tetsurō is your -" By now, the main members had ventured over to greet their rival which interrupted a stunned Kageyama.

"Nice to see you again, what brings you all the way to Miyagi Kuroo?" Daichi nodded in acknowldgement, punching the ravenettes shoulder with a grin.

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