Atsumu Miya: Daughters

395 8 1

Summary: Fluff

Warnings: None

A/N: It's amazing how inspiring a comment or a like is haha. Thank you to everyone who reads these, I hope you're well.💖


"Who would you let your daughter date out of the team?"

It was a question he'd been asked at an interview recently, one he'd skilfully dodged and redirected to his love life with his clever response of 'Well I gotta find the love of ma life before thinkin' 'bout that~".

Now he had a spare moment, gifted to him by the sheer curiosity of his teammates, he actually gave it some thought.

Bokuto and Hinata stood eagerly beside one another, practically bouncing on the heels of their feet once the faux blondes' analytic gaze landed on them.
"Well definitely not yous' two, that's for sure."

"Omi! I'd let you date my daughter." The pair hadn't a moment to deflate when the blonde instantaneously snapped to Kiyoomi who was as sharp as ever with his response.
"And risk being related to you through marriage? No thank you Miya."
"Oi, ya can't talk to yer father-in-law like that Sakusa Kiyoomi!"

Hinata hummed aloud in thought, surveying the MSBY Jackals before landing on a welcome option.
"What about (L/n)?"
You'd strolled up at this point, wanting to see what all the fuss was about when you heard your name. Atsumu meeting your surprised gaze with an analytic one of his own.
"Seeing if 'Tsum Tsum would let his daughter date you." A quiet sound of understanding left your lips as response to Bokutos' disclosure, once more darting back to the uncharacteristically silent Setter.
"Ah mean..." Atsumu blanched, fingers darting to the back of his neck as the panic set in. "I would want 'em to but wouldn't like 'em to."

Not only yourself, but Bokuto and Hinata stared at him perplexed, brows raised in curiosity meanwhile Sakusa shook his head with a resigned sigh.
"Wait, what's the age difference? Is (Y/n) still my age or my daughter's age - 'cuz that's a whole other story."
"Daughter's age I guess?" Shoyo shrugged, looking to Bokuto for assurance.
"Then what's the age difference between me an' (Y/n)?" Atsumu asked again, mentally calculating in his head before Bokuto jumped in.
"Why so many questions? You never gave anyone else this much thought."

Silence. Likely concocting a lie.
"Yes I did!"
You were certain the team had mentally flashed back to the instant "Not you." they'd received and focused on the severe lack of questions he'd asked regarding them.
"No you didn't."
"Nope, literally was right here when you said it."
You thought he would've come up with a better lie.

"Then- then it's because (Y/n) isn't a teammate."
"Woah! HOW DARE YOU 'TSUM 'TSUM!" Kōtarō clutched you immediately, pointing an accusing finger at his setter. "(Y/n) is apart of the team, just because they don't play on court doesn't make them less important!"
"That's not what I—"
"For the record, I'd treat your daughter amazingly Atsumu! I'd bring her flowers, make her smile, and care for her when she's sick by making dinner. Oh! We could cook together too - maybe she'd like to visit new cities and restaurants with me." You gleamed momentarily, the way he'd crossed his arms and looked away from you with a pout amusing you slightly.
"No not happening, yer a terrible match for ma daughter and I won't allow it."
"Guess it's Sakusa who wins the date." You casually shrugged, Kiyoomi grimacing at the thought.
"I didn't want it in the first place."
"Omi Omi don't be so rude!"
You rolled your eyes as they all went to begin practice with varying farewells, yourself returning to your own role with nothing more than a playful smile.

It wasn't until practice was over did you realise you hadn't quite escaped their shenanigans for the day regardless of your speedy exit. Atsumu cornering you whilst you collected your belongings.
"Yer in a hurry, ya got plans?"
"Actually I'm eating at home tonight."
"Oh was ma daughter unavailable fer ya to take out to dinner?" It was said pettily, a childish tone in play that only caused you to shoot a snarky remark to the MSBY setter.
"Atsumu, are you jealous of your non-existent daughter?"
There was a moment of pause where he shot you an expression of pure offence that soon morphed into an intense stare off - him breaking far quicker than you'd thought.
"She gets to do all this cool stuff with ya and yer haven't even met! We don't do any of that and I've know ya fer ages!"
"Atsumu... all you gotta do is ask y'know? We can hang out when we're both free."
"No that's not what I mean! I don't want my daughter dating you because I wanna date you!" Your eyes widened at the proclamation, so that was why he was acting so weird about this whole thing.
"Date me? Atsumu are you alright?"

You only received a groan mixed with defeat and aggravation, the man carefully linking arms with you and once again bring you to his teammates.
"I've changed my mind on (Y/n). It's all worked out."
Though sceptical at his newfound confidence in the previous matter, Hinata was the one to hes Tōya toy question his setter.
"So... you'd let your daughter date (Y/n)?"
"Hell no! My daughter can't date her parent, that's just wrong."
"Atsumu!" Immediately you pushed his proud frame with a shocked and frustrated yelp, the team practically howling at the idiocy you'd both displayed.
"What? We're gonna—"
"Shut up Miya! You're going to say something I'll want to slap you for."
Of course they'd worked out he liked you from earlier, but the last thing they expected was this open chaos - you certainly weren't going to date him anytime soon now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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