Chapter 15

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The doorbell rang and Clarke got up to go get it.

"Are we expecting someone?" asked Lexa.

"uhh... no that's actually dessert" said Raven

"I thought you said dessert's in the fridge" said Madi accusingly.

Raven chuckled. "Ah, about that, funny story..."

"ICE CREAM!" Aden yelled and jumped out of his seat running towards his mom who was hasting towards the kitchen to get the ice cream into the freezer.

"Aden, what have I told you about having dessert" she said to him as he clung to her leg.

"That we can have it after dinner. BUT MOMMY I WANT IT NOW!"

"Have you finished eating?"


"Then behave yourself Aden, finish your food and then we can all have ice cream together"


"Aden!" Clarke scolded. The little boy, who was yet to understand that stubbornness hardly ever works, felt wronged and started to tear up.

"I don't want to have dinner!" he snapped and ran upstairs towards his room.

"Aden... come back here, sweetheart."

But he didn't listen. Clarke wiped her palm down her face. For some reason, Aden had this stubborn side to him that she needed to bring under control. She felt bad that this had to happen right here in front of Lexa, Madi and Anya.

"Raven stood up from her seat and said "Let me go talk to him"

"No no, I'll do it."

"You just played bad cop. It won't work" Raven said.

Lexa watched the exchange carefully, and made a mental note. Raven and Clarke seemed to have formed some sort of choreography when it came to raising this little boy. And it comforted her that Raven was here for Clarke.

"I'll make it work" she said convinced that she could get through to him even though he may be a little angry with her right now.

"I'm sorry guys, you'll have to excuse me for a moment" Clarke said, addressing the rest of them at the table. And then she went upstairs to talk to Aden.

"Does he always get stubborn?" Lexa asked Raven.

Raven looked right at her, smiled and said "He's usually an angel. But some rare occasions we see this side of him, he can throw really loud tantrums sometimes."

Lexa continued eating and fell deep in thought. There was a part of her that felt bad that she couldn't be the one playing good cop when Clarke found herself in situations like this. She wondered if Clarke faced a lot of difficulty singlehandedly raising Aden. But then again, Clarke had Raven around. Maybe it wasn't so tough. She couldn't stop her mind from wondering if Bellamy was a part of Aden's life, Clarke's life.

And before she could stop herself from saying it, she asked out loud "Does Bellamy come visit?"

Raven was quiet for a moment, knowing it was not her place to tell Lexa everything, so she decided to simply be honest with what Lexa was specifically asking.


Lexa nodded.

"Does he provide for..."

"Lexa!" Anya scolded. "It's of no matter to you."

"I'm just curious... why would he just..."

"Look who's back guys" came Clarke's voice from the staircase, with little Aden wrapped around her, he was giggling and laughing while she tickled his sides.

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