Chapter 23

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After she shut the door behind her.

"Why are you giving her that out?" Raven asked Anya, seemingly upset.

"I'm playing with her head. I know for a fact when she's in this state of mind she doesn't think clearly. You've got to say the right things when she's in this mood."

"I hope you know what you're doing." Raven said

"I do, trust me" Anya said.

Her phone then buzzed. A text from Lexa.

"If you're fucking Raven, and thinking you can hide that from me, you're mistaken."

Anya rolled her eyes and replied.

"She slept on the couch. I slept in bed"

"Whose clothes did she put in the laundry basket?" came Lexa's reply.

"Mine. She needed a change of clothes at night, I let her borrow. That's all"

"Hmmm" came Lexa's reply.

Lexa returned home that morning to find everyone sitting around in the living room, Abby, Marcus, the kids and Clarke included. She acknowledged them and then walked towards the staircase, needing to go upstairs and freshen up.

"Lexa, wait..." came Clarke's voice

"I can't do this right now Clarke..." Lexa said, not stopping her walk up the staircase.

But Clarke continued to follow.

"You have to know I didn't ask mom to come talk to you. I had no clue. I don't know what she's told you, but it's not everything."

"Clarke. Don't. Please." Lexa begged.

"Why won't you look at me?! Or listen to me for that matter." Clarke said.

Lexa heard the exasperation in her voice. She heard the heaviness, knew Clarke had tears, knew she was choking up.

She finally turned around.

"YOU.KNOW.WHY!" she said. Anger so blatant in her eyes that Clarke took a step back.

Lexa immediately schooled her features. She had no intention of scaring Clarke.

"You have to let me explain. Mom doesn't know all of it..." Clarke tried again.

"CLARKE. Listen to me, and listen to me good. I have no intention of getting back with you, no matter what you may have to say to me about that day, or the weeks before, or the 4 years that have gone by. I'm here for another week. And then we're leaving. I'm done."

Clarke froze in place. Tears rolling down her cheeks of their own accord.

"A week? I thought you said you were here for a month. That's 2 more weeks to go." Clarke said softly, addressing the easiest issue of all the things Lexa had just said.

"I spoke to the broker this morning, asked him if he can hurry with clearing out the place we want to live in. He said he could manage something and maybe give it to us a week earlier than planned."

Clarke looked away now, wiping the tears falling endlessly.

"I knew you were not too happy about coming back here. I didn't realize it was so bad that you can't wait to get out of here."

"Clarke..." Lexa felt she needed to make it seem less painful than what Clarke was making it out to be.

"Anya told me you'll want to hurt me as much as I hurt you. I said I'll take it all. I'll take anything if it means someday you'll want me back, you'll love me back..."

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