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It has been about six months since we had reversed the blip. Something that you'd think would make everyone grateful has put some on edge. There are groups out in the world that think the world was better off with half its population gone, and on some level they're right. We were living in a world with little to no limitations or borders and enemies became allies and friends. But now that everyone is back, everything has started to freefall. Sam had started working with the Air Force, again, while I take a position with SWORD, it's basically what Nat was doing during the blip. I hope that Sam takes Steve's position like he had offered and will help me with some of this work load.

Pepper had allowed us to continue on with some of Tony's research, outside of her home of course. All of Tony's unfinished projects had been moved to the Avenger's headquarters. Even though most of the Avengers had made it through our second battle with Thanos, I am the only one who is still at the compound. Wanda is God only knows where, Clint is back home with his family, Sam is with his sister and nephews, and Barnes is working on making amends for everything he did while he was The Winter Soldier.

One plus side to having all of Stark's tech and no one around means lots of extra training. I had increased my training, by a lot, to see how far I could push myself and my powers. Rhodes helps me as much as he can. Our running theory is that I should be able to throw my electricity, in one big pulse and individual bolts, like Thor does only without the hammer, depending on what the situation calls for. This training is long, hard, and demanding, but I do my best, trying to make Nat and Steve proud.

One afternoon I am training exceptionally hard. I am in a ten by ten room that Tony had been working on so Wanda could train with ease and hopefully not take out the whole compound, with his blueprints and other documents about the room it wasn't hard to finish and put together. I have been trying to throw a general pulse, or what we have been referring to as going SuperNova, all day with no success. Of course, I am frustrated and tired, Rhodes is doing his best to help me, "that was a good try, P. But why don't we take a break for a little while."

I look up to the large viewing window that Rhodes is standing in front of, "no, we don't need to," I shake my head trying to catch my breath. "I can try again." I am covered in sweat and almost completely drained of energy; physically, emotionally, mentally, and powers.

"Just a couple minutes and we can try again. Get some water or meditate a little bit." Rhodes looks down to the control panel in front of him that has my vitals on it, "your heart rate is off the chart, you need to relax."

"Yeah, okay," I nod, placing my hands on my hips, still breathing heavily. I walk over to a little cabinet in the wall of the room, where my water bottle is and take a couple drinks.

As I do I hear Rhodes talking to someone, but I don't turn to see who it is, "hello, sir."

"Hi, James," a male voice answers, from the sound of it, it is Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross, who after coming back after the blip has taken back his position, I can also tell that it is a phone call, since I can hear it over the speakers in the room. We haven't been able to figure out how to keep calls on one side or the other yet, but Rhodes thinks he's getting close to it.

"What can I do for you, sir?" While the two begin to talk I move back to the middle of the room and kneel down on the ground. Taking a few deep breaths and meditating as much as I can, focusing on visualizing my energy flowing all over my body. "Hey, Phebs, could you wait, please?" I hear Rhodes call over the sound of Ross' voice.

"Is Ms. Rose there?"

"Yeah, she is, we are working on training at the moment. Do you need me to call you back?"

"No, no, that's not necessary, this will actually save me a phone call."

"Well, don't leave us waiting, are we finally getting new positions?"

"No, uh..." Ross clears his throat, "I am calling to inform both of you that Mr. Rogers has um... Mr. Rogers has passed."

As I hear these words, I feel my blood run cold and the bottom of my stomach drop. As I feel the wave of emotion flow over me, I also feel a wave of energy. The wave comes with a shooting pain, screaming as it comes over me, but as quickly as the pain comes, it leaves, seeing a large burst of light as it leaves. Once it does I lean forward and catch myself, putting my hands on the cold white floor. Soon after I hear Rhodes hurry in, "Phoebe, are you alright?"

I look up to Rhodes as I feel the floodgates behind my eyes release and the tears start to flood down my face, "no."

Rhodes gets onto his knees next to me and places a hand on my shoulder, "I know, kid." He pulls me into a hug, "I know."

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