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Sam and I fly off after Bucky, not hoping to stop him, but hoping he doesn't get himself or someone else killed. Bucky manages to catch up to the first of the two trucks and get inside while Sam and I are still catching up. "They're stealing medicine. Vaccines."

I tilt my head a bit, "sounds a bit like Robin Hood."

The next thing I hear Bucky say is, "hi."

"Bucky, what's going on?"

"Found the hostage."

I shake my head and look over to Sam, who is only flying a couple yards away, "that was too easy." The next thing I see is Bucky flying out of the back of the truck and into the windshield of the truck behind it. "Oh, my God!" Then two men on the top of the second truck pull Bucky onto the roof.

"Phoebe, fly up," Sam orders.

"Sam, we have to help him!"

"We will, now fly up!"

I reluctantly follow orders and fly up, Sam's plan is to send Redwing in shooting, but it does nothing. Instead one of them breaks Redwing. "You tried your way, now we try mine," I look over to Sam before diving down to the truck, when I get in closer I start to land and kick one of the black masked people in the chest. But they recover quickly, by the time I tuck the wings in and am firmly on my feet so is she.

As the two of us fight, Bucky and the other two watch, "nice of you to join the fight, Phebs." After being all salty that he was alone for all of about five minutes, Bucky kicks one of the men in the leg and starts fighting to get free. The woman gets me around the neck but unfortunately she has gloves on, so I can't shock her, she kicks me in the stomach before tossing me, rather easily, to the first truck's roof. Now Sam joins in the fight, fighting another two men.

"What is with you guys and fighting on roofs?!" I shout as I square up again.

"What do you mean?" Bucky asks, his focus still on the two men.

"You and Steve always end up on a roof of some kind. Can't think of a better place to fight?"

"I guess not."

The two trucks weave in and out of traffic as they stay beside each other. While we continue to fight, Sam gets pinned down and before I can get away from the person I'm fighting, who from their statue and shape I'm guessing is a woman, I see a familiar shield bounce off of one of the men's chest. I get excited for a moment, thinking that I'll get to fight alongside Steve again, before I remember that shield no longer means Steve, it means John Walker.

When he catches the shield John jumps down between me and the woman I'm fighting, pushing her back with the shield. Once he does I push my way in front of him, "don't need you, thanks." But before I can do anything else, someone comes down and kicks the woman down and between the trucks where she hangs on to the side of the truck.

John takes the chance and throws the shield again and again, hitting individuals before coming back to him. Before too long the man who kicked the woman off the truck lands as well. "Sam, John Walker, Captain America," John shouts.

I scoff, "you may have his shield and you may have a fancy suit, but you are not Captain America."

"Lemar Hoskins," the second man introduces himself.

"Looks like you three could use some help," John looks between Sam, Bucky and I.

I shake my head, "this is a fight, not a conference." I scoff, again, before jumping to the truck opposite of John and Lemar. While John is talking, the woman his partner kicked onto the side of the trucks climbs back up and comes back for John, who hits her with the shield and then throws it at someone fighting Bucky. When it comes back Bucky catches it, I'm sure thinking about how easy it would be to steal the shield if we really wanted to, but he gives it back to John. Sam tries to fly up and away, but the two men he is fighting hold his legs and hold him down. I jump over to the truck Sam is on and manage to shock one of the men holding him, before throwing him from the roof of the truck. Bucky is thrown from the truck, but takes the man he was fighting with him. I can only watch and fight as the two go over, I manage to get away from the person I'm fighting, but I know it's not safe or wise to look over the edge for him, "Buck?"

"I'm good, Phebs."

I look ahead on the road and see a road sign coming up, "Sam, up!" Sam turns back and deploys his wings to give him an extra bust as he jumps up, I duck under the sign, but the person Sam is fighting goes through the sign and appears unphased. She charges at Sam, using her body as a batting ram as she knocks him off the truck. I hear and see his wings, so I know he's alright, "Sam, get Bucky!"

"Got it," Sam responds.

I fight to keep my balance as the truck I'm on swerves all over the road, trying to avoid oncoming cars and trying to keep Sam from getting to Bucky. I start to fight another man and hear Lemar call out for help, "John, where you at, man?" He grunts, fighting the headlock he's in.

John takes out his pistol and very impressively hits the person choking Lemar with one shot. However, this gives the woman he's fighting a chance to kick him off the back of the truck. The next thing I hear is Sam over the com, "P, I got him." I let out a sigh of relief, but it's quickly removed as I watch Lemar be thrown from the truck as I fight a few men on the front side.

I call out to the woman who I had been fighting at the beginning, "hey, bitch," she turns her attention from one of her fallen comrades to me, "those were my friends you just threw from this truck. That was a bad idea," I get a few good swings in, before she catches my fits, pulling my hand to the side, before punching me in the chest, sending me flying off the back of the truck. On my way off I feel that I hit someone, but I don't know who. The two of us are stopped by a car, when we go through it's windshield, the car screeches to a halt and sends us rolling down the highway. Once I stop rolling I look up an see that I had hit John and taking him of the truck with me, "oh, fuck."

"Good to see you too, Ms. Rose," John smirks as he starts to get up.

"You don't get to call me that."

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