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I get to the building the Flag Smashers are hiding in, just in time to see John send a man flying through a door and over the stairs into a wall with a single punch. Then bend the pipe the man is fighting him with, before throwing the man down. As the man gets up and runs away I turn toward John, "you didn't."

"They've got Lamar," John doesn't break stride as he walks past me. John and I follow the Flag Smasher into a large room with windows covering the ceiling and three of the four walls. When we get about half way into the room, we turn in time to see two more Flag Smashers jumping down. John sends his shield flying into both, but it doesn't do anything to stop them, it just knocks them off balance a bit. I take advantage of this and run up to one of them, clotheslining them, while John fights the other, who pulls out a knife, "what's with all the knifes?"

I shrug, "no idea." Once I make this comment the Flag Smasher I knocked down kicks my legs out from under me. I land on my back, tucking my chin, before flipping back up.

John and I continue to fight. Eventually the Flag Smasher I'm fighting pulls out a knife as well, but soon enough I'm able to kick the knife out of their hand. Sending it flying across the room, but instead of hearing the blade come into contact with a wall, I hear someone groan. When I turn I see that Bucky had caught the knife, "not really the time to test your powers, doll." We continue fighting and at some point one of the Smashers grabs me from behind. Unfortunately for them, they have their sleeves rolled up, so I grab their arm and shock them, kicking them back once I do. When I turn I see another running after me, but I only see them for a second before Bucky punches them in the face, knocking them over, "your welcome."

I smile and kiss Bucky on the cheek, "thanks, baby." The next thing I hear is the sound of concrete breaking, I turn to see Lamar laying in front of a broken pillar, his body still and his head leaning off to one side, "no!"

John rushes over to Lamar, trying to wake him up, "hey, Lamar, Lamar, Lamar." He repeats his name over and over again, but is unable to wake him. While John is focused on Lamar the Flag Smashers run, which is probably in their best interest. John feels for a pulse but if he gave himself the serum, which I'm pretty sure he did, I'm surprised he's even standing right now and don't think he can feel anything other than pain.

Sam and Bucky run off after the Flag Smashers but I stay with John, if nothing more than to watch him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. "John..."

When I break him out of his trace John gets up and runs toward one of the windows and jumps throw it like, Steve did when we travelled back to New York in our little race to the streets below. I look out the window and see that John landed on a van, which had probably belonged to the Flag Smashers. He looks around and takes off. When he moves to get off of the van, I jump out the window, landing on the van as well, before taking off after him. As I run, I hear John shout, "where is she?!" But even I can't keep up with the anger fuelled new Super Soldier. I come across a pile of shattered concrete, which had probably been a trash can or something.

When I catch up to John he is catching the shield, having used it to knock down one of the Flag Smashers, who isn't wearing his mask. I jump over him and land between John and the Flag Smasher, putting a hand out to him, "stop," I gesture around, "this isn't the time or place."

John runs at me using the shield as a battering ram, just as Steve had many times before, sending me flying back. I don't stop until I come into contact with a wall. The next thing I hear is John screaming followed by the crowd that had gathered around gasping. I feel my eyes growing heavy, before I feel a hand in my cheek, followed by a voice, "no, no, no," it's Bucky, "stay with me, Phebs."

The next voice is Sam's, "come on, baby girl, open your eyes. Come on." I can tell by their tones they're both worried and scared.

I lift my head a bit and open my eyes enough to see their faces, coughing as I try to speak, "it hurts to breathe."

Bucky looks over me as Sam stands up and starts shouting, "we need medical help over here!"

I look out over the crowd and see Karli, who is watching in a state of horror and panic. She looks over to me and starts to step toward me, but I shake my head no and she stops. 'Go,' I mouth to her, worried that John will turn his rage on her next. I feel Bucky's hands move over my body, checking to see if anything's broken before I feel my eyes getting heavy again.

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