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When I wake up, I look around and notice I'm in a hospital. But that isn't what confuses me, the boys are talking and it almost sounds like they care, not only about me but about each other. The doctors tell me I'm fine, just a couple bumps and bruises, but other than being sore for a few days, or a couple weeks, I should be fine. When I get up I feel my muscles tighten, the boys had both gone to get some food, otherwise I'm sure I'd be rushed back into bed. But the doctors told me I can leave whenever I want and I wanna leave now, before John hurts someone else or himself.

As I get up I hear the boys behind me, "woho. What do you think you're doing?" Bucky comes around in front of me.

"I'm fine," I try to push him out of the way so I can stand.

"No, you're not," Sam walks over to Bucky's left side.

"Phebs, just look in the mirror," Bucky gestures over to the mirror on the bathroom door, which is parallel to my bed.

I look over and scoff, "yeah, I'm fine."

"No," Bucky gently moves the gown off my shoulder, "look." When I look I see a bruise on the back of my shoulder. As Bucky gently turns me I see more and more of the large bruise that's on my back.

I push Bucky's hands away and stand up, "I'm fine." I wince as my weight hits my legs, "see? I'm standing and everything." I move over to start getting my uniform back on, "now, you two can either help me find John or stay out of my way."

"Are you sure you should be looking for him right now?" Sam tilts his head.

"Yes," I turn my back to the boys and slide my gown off. I hear Sam clear his throat, since they had taken off my bra but left my underwear on. Once I put my bra on I turn around and see both of them looking around awkwardly. "Come on," I look over to Bucky, "you've even seen it before."

Bucky nods and looks up, "yeah, but not in front of Sam."

I sigh and put my uniform on, "we have to find John before he hurts himself or someone else."

"Since when are you worried about John?" Sam shakes his head, finally looking at me when he hears the zip of my suit.

"I'm not. I'm worried about whoever tries to stop him if it's not us." I strut past the boys, still putting my gloves on, not waiting to see if the boys follow, but eventually I hear their feet running down the hall after me. I stop and turn to Sam, "do you still have Redwing's system on your wrist?"

"Of course," Sam nods, "I never took it off. Why?"

I grab Sam's hand and pull it up so I can see the screen. Keying in a code Steve and I had set up during the blip. "When we got together Steve was worried that one of us would get taken. So to ease his worry, we put trackers in our stuff. Mine was in my shield suit, his was in the shield." Once I'm done keying away I get a hit on the shield's location. "There," I point to the screen, "he's in a warehouse by the train tracks."

"What if he's not there?"

"Then I'll be sad we didn't get to kick his ass for it, but at least we'll have the shield. But do you honestly think John would leave the shield?"

Once we get to the street we start to run toward the warehouse. Well, Bucky and I run, Sam flies. I would fly but the pack Sam had made for me was broken on impact, it's probably what kept my back from completely breaking. With every stomp of my feet,I feel pain shooting up my legs, but it only makes me run faster. John knew me and on some level knew I was an ally and he still sent me flying into a wall. I can't imagine what he'll do to someone he doesn't know, and I haven't been able to bring myself to ask the boys about the Flag Smasher. When we find John he is kneeling in the warehouse, shield and hands bloody. He must hear us because when we stop he stands, "time to go to work."

John marches over to us and Sam tries to reason with him, "Walker."

John looks to me as I struggle to stand, due to the pain in my back and legs, "you should see a medic, you don't look so good."

"You'd be the cause of that," I cross my arms.

"Stop, Walker," Sam warns.

John looks to Sam, "what? You saw what happened. You know what I had to do. I killed him because I had to! He killed Lamar!"

"No, he didn't," I shake my head.

Bucky takes a deep breath, "don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well."

"I'm not like you," John snarls at Bucky.

"Hey, watch who you're talking to," I shout at John, the pain making my patience very thin.

"Listen," Sam looks from me to John, "it was the heat of the battle. Okay? If you explain what happened, they may consider your record."

"But you have to go in willingly. We don't want anyone else to get hurt here, that includes you."

"John... you gotta give me the shield, man."

John, who had been looking down as if his crazy was overcoming him, looks up and between the three of us, "oh, so that's what this is. You almost got me."

"You made a mistake."

"You don't wanna do this."

Bucky looks over to me then back to John, "yeah, we do."

We all run at John at the same time, but he does a good job of fighting us off. Dodging kicks and punches before kicking Sam back and shoving me away, then turning his attention on Bucky. When I get up and to my feet John is holding the shield above Bucky so I jump on his back and put my arms around his neck. "Don't make me throw you again," John grunts, but I don't let go. So he grabs me by my sides and throws me into a pile of boxes. John is much stronger then Bucky or I right now, since the serum is fresh in his veins he doesn't know his own strength or how to use it and the fact he's running on fear and rage.

When I get up, Bucky is swinging at John breaking one of the metal supports in the building when he hits it. John dodges it and then throws the shield at Bucky, sending him back into a forklift. John picks up the shield and pushes Bucky against the lift before throwing him into a pole, I run over to Bucky who is laying there taking a couple deep breaths. I hear Sam's wings and turn, seeing him standing between the two of us and John, "this isn't you, John."

John pants before smiling a creepy and off putting smile, "we could have been a team."

Sam runs at John, catching the shield with one of his hooks, before flying and trying to pull it away. But John gets a footing on a pole, "P! Hit 'em!"

I run over to John, hoping his focus will be on the shield. It's not, when I get within arms reach John swings back and hits me in the face, sending me back and into the floor about five feet below. When I look up I see the shield, although it is blurry. I hear the sound of metal tearing before my vision comes back and when it does I see John on top of Sam. As John lifts the shield up over Sam, just like he had over Bucky, I gather what strength I have and run at John, shocking him as I pin him against a pole. Since I don't have ahold of any skin John isn't getting the full shock so he fights back. "I am Captain America."

"No you're not," I strain, using every ounce of energy I have to shock and hold John. Both of us screaming as we fight the other. Soon the boys join in, when I had pinned John he made the mistake of putting his arms out, so the boys grab the shield and start to pull. Soon they realize they'll have to push it out of his hand. Sam even uses the jet pack to help, but it doesn't move. But something has to give and it ends up being John's arm, his elbow breaking is what gets him to finally let go of the shield.

When Sam has the shield Bucky and I let go of John, Bucky helping me walk over to Sam. But we turn when we hear John, "that's mine."

Sam pants, all of us exhausted, "it's over, John."

"It's mine," John goes to swing at Bucky and I but I reach up, grabbing his chin, and shocking him. This time knocking him on his ass.

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