Dora Mijale

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We look everywhere but we don't find Karli, what we do find is an unconscious Zemo, and when we do, we wake him up and make our way back to the house. I check Zemo over and it's very clear he has a concussion, but he'll be fine with some rest. Zemo sets himself up with a drink and a wet cloth, which he has over his eyes. I chuckle as I walk over from the kitchen, "you know you're not supposed to drink with a concussion right?"

"I will be alright," Zemo groans. "Besides I think I am old enough to choose my own medicine." We sit in silence for a minute or two, while I drink my water, before Zemo breaks the silence, "were you ever actually offered it?"

"Offered what?"

"The serum."

I shrug, "I mean, technically yes, I signed up for a program that told us we'd be the next Captain America. So I kind of knew what I was getting myself into."

"What about your powers?"

"Uh, those came about because of the Tesseract, while it was still in SHEILD's possession."

"Would you do it all again? Knowing what you know now."


"No hesitation. That's impressive."

I shrug, "while it may not have been a easy or fun in anyway, I gained a lot of friends because of it and I'm helping people."

Zemo takes the rag off of his head with a groan, "Phoebe, you know, you can't hold out hope for Karli. No matter what you saw in her."

"And why not?" I cross my arms.

"She's gone and we cannot allow that she and her acolytes have become yet another faction of gods amongst real people. Super Soldiers cannot be allowed to exist."

"Isn't that how gods talk?"

Zemo chuckles with a shake of his head, "I like you. Perhaps in another life we could have been friends. Maybe lovers?"

I chuckle, "no." I shake my head, "and if that's how you feel about Super Soldiers, what about Bucky and I?" Zemo doesn't answer, "blood isn't always the solution."

As I'm making this comment I hear the door open and close, before Bucky walks into the room, "hey, doll."

"Hi," I smile over to him. Bucky walks across the room, taking his jacket off and I can tell somethings on his mind, "what's wrong?"

"Somethings not right about Walker."


"Well, I know a crazy when I see one. Because I am crazy,"

I turn back to Bucky as he pours himself a drink, "I can't argue with you there."

"Shouldn't have given him the shield."

"No, they shouldn't have. But you can't hold it against Sam, he isn't the one who gave it to him."

"Well, Steve definitely didn't."

Before I can say anything the doors to the house come flying open and in struts John and Lamar. "Alright, that's it. Let's go. I'm now ordering you to turn him over."

Sam, who had run in upon hearing the doors fly open, walks up to John, "hey, slow your roll. Let's be clear, shield or no shield, the only thing you're run in' in here is your mouth."

I nod, crossing my arms, "I had Karli and you overstepped. He's actually proven himself useful today," I point to Zemo, "unlike you." I start to walk over to John.

"We need all hands on deck for whatever's comin' next."

John nods, glaring at Sam, "how do you want the rest of this conversation to go, huh?"

I chuckle and widen my gate to get to John faster, "let's go, you can even keep the shield so it's a fair fight." I pull my hand back, letting electricity flow between my fingers, but before I can swing at John, a spear comes between us, embedding itself in the wall. I look over and see that a Dora Mijale had thrown it.

I hear the sound of dangling metal and turn to see two more walk in. Ayo leading them, addressing us in Wakandan, "even if he is a means to your end... time's up." She then addresses us in English, "release him to us now."

John turns to them and smiles, "hi, John Walker, Captain America."

"They don't care," I cross my arms again.

John looks back to me, then to Ayo, "well, let's, uh, put down the point sticks and we can talk this through, huh?"

"Hey, John," Sam chuckles, "take it easy. You might wanna fight Bucky before you tangle with the Dora Milaje, or Phoebe."

"The Dora Milaje don't have jurisdiction here..."

"Do you?" I shrug.

Ayo locks her eyes on John, "the Dora Milaje have jurisdiction wherever the Dora Milaje find themselves to be."

"Okay," John nods, looking down before chuckling, "look, I think we got off on the wrong foot."

John goes to put his hand on Ayo's shoulder, as he does I move back, and so does Sam, "bad idea."

Once John's hand touches her shoulder, Ayo hits him with the dull end of her spear, rotating it so it hits him in the nose. She also kicks him back, causing him to hit the spear that is in the wall, then fall to the floor. Sam, Bucky, Zemo and I just stand by enjoying the fight and the fact John is getting his butt handed to him. Sam looks over to Bucky and I, "we should do something."

Bucky nods, crossing his arms, "looking strong, John."

"Great form, buddy," I chuckle.

"Bucky, Phoebe..." Sam scolds us.

Bucky nods, joining the fight and just in time, one second later and Ayo would have speared John. Bucky grabs the spear, "Ayo. Let's talk about this."

I watch with Zemo as all four boys go about getting their butts kicked. Zemo takes a step back and starts to walk away, but I grab him by the collar, "no." I continue to watch my friends, John and Lamar gets their butts handed to them. The fight finally stops when one of the Dora Milaje spears John's shield to the table and Ayo disconnects Bucky's arm. I walk over to John, who is trying to get the spear out of the table, "if you can't fight without it, then you shouldn't have it." I pull the spear from the table and the shield falls to the floor. After handing the spear back to the Dora it belongs to, I kick the shield up, catching it and smirking down to John.

Ayo had gone to check for Zemo, but comes back empty handed, "he's gone." She looks over to me and smirks a bit, "don't tease him."

I hand the shield to John, who's pride and ego are clearly broken, before going over to Bucky, who is picking his arm up off the floor, "did you know they could do that?" Bucky looks over to me.

I shake my head, "no, did you?"

"No," he puts his arm back on and gives it a swing, his arm clanking as he does.

I walk back over to John, who is talking to Lamar, "get out."

After walking them to the door, I join the boys outside the bathroom, Sam looks to me over his shoulder, "I can't believe he pulled an El Chapo."

"I can," Bucky sighs, "come on."

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