Chapter 1

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You swipe your newly received employee card at the front door and enter the elevator heading up to the sixth floor. You check your phone, 5am, and sigh. You adjust your maroon blazer and fix your hair to ensure every flyaway is laid down. You check your pants for dirt and your shoes for scuff marks. 

Full of every emotion, the elevator opens to a frosted glass door with the BAU symbol. You take a deep breath as you push open the doors and enter the bullpen. Your greeted by a familiar face, Aaron Hotchner, a man who rarely smiles but on the inside is quite kind.

"Agent y/l/n, good to see you, you're here early," he says, reaching out to shake your hand.

"Good morning Agent Hotchner, to be early is to be on time," you say with a smile, shaking his hand.

"Please, Hotch is just fine. It will be an excellent first day for you; we have no cases, it is mostly a paperwork day, seeing that it is your first day, I would like you to take the opportunity and shadow each member of the BAU." As he says this, the elevator dings and six well-dressed men and women walk through the glass door, looking directly at you as they walk in. 

You feel your cheeks start to get warm as all their eyes turn to you. One woman catches your eye, she has on a beautiful white and black dress with a bright pink blazer, and bleach blonde hair, but what makes you most comfortable, is her smile. She is the first to run up to you

"Ahh, hello you must be y/n, it's so nice to meet you, we have heard a bit about you, but it's nice to finally put a pretty face to the name. I'm Penelope" She says with a welcoming smile.

"Hi, thank you, I have heard a bit about each of you, but I am so excited to get to know you all," You say, feeling a bit calmer as you look at the kind faces around the room.

Hotch begins to introduce you to rest of the rest of the team.

"This is agent Emily Prentiss, Agent Derek Morgan, Agent Jennifer Jareau or JJ, Agent David Rossi, and Dr. Spencer Reid, and of course Miss Penelope Garcia" Hotch says as he points out each member of the team.

You wave and say hello to each member.

Hotch continues

"This is our newest agent, Dr. y/n y/l/n, she recently completed her doctorate in criminal psychology, she will bring a great psychological perspective to our team and give some great insight into the minds of our unsubs. I expect you will all make her feel like family. Today we have no cases, and I have asked y/n to shadow each of you during the day to get a feel of how we work and what we do."

"Oh, another doctor, looks like we have some competition," Derek says as he pats Spencer on the back.

"Only the friendliest of competitions," you say with a smile as you look at Spencer, the boys laugh. You couldn't help but feel small butterflies as you look at the tall messy-haired man dressed in a sweater vest; you couldn't pinpoint it, but there was just something about him. Something about his eyes, they felt safe. You snap back to reality, realizing you were staring right at Spencer.

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