Chapter 13

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Arriving back at the BAU Hotch sends everyone home to take the rest of the day off.

"Anyone hungry, I could do with some breakfast" Spencer asks the room

"I could go" You say smiling

"I want to see Will and Henry, maybe next time" JJ says

"You two go and have fun, I'm bringing my girl home" Derek says as he puts his arm around Penelope.

Everyone leaves the building and it's just you and Spencer left

"So what's the deal with Derek and Garcia, are they... like a thing?" You ask smiling

"A thing?" Spencer says confused

"Yeah, you know like dating, into each other" you question

"Oh, honestly I don't really think anyone knows what goes on between those two, and nobody asks" He laughs as you step into the elevator.

"Where to y/n?" Spencer asks

"You suggested breakfast so wherever you'd like, lead the way sir" you say as you let him step in front of you.

Getting into his car you were excited to have breakfast just the two of you

"It's not a date y/n don't get too excited" you think to yourself

He pulls into the Kneaded bakery

"Do you solely eat here?" You turn to him jokingly

"No, I just like it, and you said you did too, so I thought I would come here. Did you know they have exactly 64 things on their menu, which mainly consists of breakfast and bread items" Spencer rambles as he opens the front door for you.

"Interesting, good to know, I guess that means their breakfast is good" You laugh

"How many?" The waiter asks as you walk in

"two" Spencer and you state at the same time

The water leads you towards a table for two. You both sit down, and he passes you the menus.

"Oh everything sounds so good" You look over the items

Spencer puts his menu down

"Finished reading it already?"

"No, I already know what it says" He says fiddling with the menu

"So genius, what are you getting?"

"They have a wonderful waffle, many people think waffles originated in Belgium, but they actually have roots back to ancient Greece, but in those times they were not as sweet as they are now. But the waffles that we know today date back around the 1600's" Spencer says rambling again

"Wow that's interesting, I think I may have waffles also. But I wonder where donuts come from?" You say knowing he will go on a tangent about the history of baked goods

Just then the waiter comes to take your order

You both order waffles with fruit toppings

"So y/n you did great yesterday, it was your first out of state case, how do you feel about it?" Spencer asks

"Yeah I think it went okay, I could have done better, but we all worked together very well. But I am really glad you're okay, I was scared for you" You say shyly

"You did more than okay, you did amazing, you helped us solve the case. And don't worry about me... well maybe worry a little, but don't be scared, I am okay... thanks for caring about me" Spencer says reaching out his hand to tap yours.

You blush a little at his soft touch on your hand.

Your waffles come.

As you finish up Spencer looks at you

"Any plans for the rest of the day or tomorrow for your day off?"

"No I don't think so, I'm quite tired from the excitement and the adrenaline of the case, so I'll probably just sleep, maybe clean my place, then sleep again. What about you" You laugh returning his question

"That sounds productive, but I will probably do some reading. But if you get too bored, I'm always home" He says shyly

"I don't go out much either" you giggle

Spencer drives you home and drops you off at your apartment. He gets out of the car and you wonder where he is going and why he is walking up to your door with you.

"Thanks for joining me for breakfast today I had a great time, I enjoy your company" He leans down and turns his face as if he is going in for a hug

You lean in and all the sudden you kiss him on the cheek. Shocked by yourself and unsure of why you just did that you widen your eyes and you feel your face get warm. Stepping back

"Oh, I-I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that." You turn to go into your house.

Spencer leans in and gently touches your arm, he kindly turns your head and kisses your cheek.

"Now we're even" He says softly, you also notice his face has reddened.

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