Chapter 18

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A few more months have passed, Spencer and yourself spend almost every day off with one another, along with working at the BAU together. In your time off you could be together, but at work nobody knew your secret, you have been able to keep it hidden from the team, even from your best friend Penelope, you hated hiding things from her, but knew once she found out, everyone else would know.

"Conference room everyone" Hotch calls

There must be a new case

"Las Vegas, 24 year old Lisa and 26 year old Ashton were found dead, Ashton had a bullet wound to his abdomen and multiple stab wounds, ligature marks around his wrists and ankles. Lisa was found with one stab wound to the heart and again ligature marks. But this is not all, 27 year old Julie and 28 year old Gavin were also found, same MO" Penelope presents the case

"Any relationship to one another?" You ask

"Here is the interesting part, both couples were recently married, in fact, they were killed two days after their wedding." Penelope continues

"Those are big guys, the unsub must be tough" Derek points out

"Maybe, or maybe not, the multiple stab wounds and bullet are overkill, maybe the unsub kills the man first because he feels threatened. The women, only have a stab wound to the heart" Spencer adds

"Symbolizing betrayal, or love?" You state

"Wheels up in thirty," Hotch says as he packs his things.

Boarding the plane never gets old, you feel powerful as you walk up the stairs and take a seat in the leather chairs aboard the jet.

Everyone continues to discuss the case

"Reid, I want you to create a geographical profile, each couple was married at Daisies Chapel, but seem to have been stalked for two days after their wedding, until they were killed in their hotel rooms"

"Every day in Vegas, there is around 330 weddings, or around 9,900 per month, possibly rounding up to 10,000," Spencer says, stating facts to everyone.

"How do we think he got into the rooms?" JJ asks

"Maybe they knew him, or he claimed to be staff, preparing something special for their honeymoon?" Emily responds

"Garcia, I want you to do a background check on the entire staff at both hotels the victims were found in, check security footage"

Hotch says

"On it, give me some time" Penelope says hanging up the video call

"This case may require an undercover operation, two individuals posing as a newly married couple and potential victims" Rossi says

You and Spencer glance at each other quickly and hide your smiles

"Rossi and Emily head to the crime scenes, JJ I want you to talk to the family, Derek y/n and Reid we can review what Garcia digs up and make a plan from there"

The plane lands and everyone heads to their designated areas

Sitting in the police station Penelope videos in

"What do you have baby girl" Morgan answers

"Video footage, this seems too easy, unfortunately I cannot fully identify him, he works very hard to avoid showing his full face to the cameras, as Emily suspected, he is posing as hotel staff."

"Everything this unsub does is done in two's. A couple, two, waiting two days after the wedding, waiting two days before kills. We have a pattern" Spencer states

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