Chapter 7

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You all arrive back at the BAU, after a long, exhausting but rewarding day. You helped catch your first unsub.

"Hey y/n can I drive you home? I don't want you driving like that" Spencer points to your forehead.

"Oh thanks that's really nice, you don't have to" you respond

"No, but I want to, come on" he motions to his car

Everyone says their goodbyes

"Take a day off everyone, great work today," Hotch says, turning and heading to his car.

You walk with Spencer and get into the passengers seat of his car, you notice the books all over the backseat and giggle to yourself.

"Sorry for the mess" he says shyly

"Oh you should see mine" you say with wide eyes

"So, where do you live?" Spencer says as he begins to drive

You tell him where your apartment is

"No way, that's just a few blocks past my place, I'm at 23 Ashburn road. So you don't live far from me" Spencer said with a smile

He told you where he lives, you think to yourself why he would have mentioned that, he could have just said he lives nearby, but he chose to say his address. "Ugh there you go again, overthinking every little detail" You think to yourself.

Spencer pulls up into the parking lot

"Well, we're here Dr. y/n. I'll wait until you get inside to head home. Again, great job today"

"Thank you, Dr. Reid... Oh Spencer, are you going to Rossi's party this weekend?" You ask

"No probably not I have some reading to catch up on" Spencer points to the backseat "Plus he had a party last weekend, I think I'll just hang out in my apartment, maybe watch a movie" He adds

"That sounds nice too, have a wonderful reading time, learn lots, I'll see you Monday" You smile as you shut Spencer's passenger door.

You unlock the door to your apartment and turn around to see Spencer waving and pulling out of the driveway.

That was kind of him to drive you home; he didn't have to do that. You sit on the couch and watch a few more episodes of your favourite show, then decide it's time for bed.

The sun streams through your window as you open the curtains, you turn and check your phone, 10 am, you slept in, but that's okay because it is your day off. You decide to go grocery shopping to pick up some odds and ends to add to the kitchen. But you realize your car is still at Quantico because Spencer drove you home last night.

Picking up your phone you look through your contacts and find Spencer, the phone rings twice before a groggy voice picks up

"Hello? Oh y/n are you okay?" Spencer sounds like he just woke up

"Hey, yeah I'm fine I just wanted to go grocery shopping today, but I realized, my car is still at Quantico. I could take the bus if you're busy, but I wanted to call you first" You say rambling a bit

'No, no, that's fine, don't take the bus, did you know Charles Dickens once wrote about his time on the bus, he said people and figures were like kaleidoscopes. Anyway, I can pick you up, I'll be there in fifteen" Spencer says in a rushed tone

"No I did not know that, but now I do, thank you. And yeah, fifteen minutes sounds great" You say laughing.

"Always here full of useless knowledge. See you soon" Spencer says, and hangs up

It's not useless, you say to yourself, you actually enjoyed listening to Spencer's rambles, he was smart and had a lot of interesting things to say.

Fifteen minutes later your doorbell rings.

Oh he didn't text or beep the horn, he actually came up to the door. How old fashioned. You laugh to yourself.

"Ready y/n?" Spencer says. You admire his casual outfit, a sweater and a pair of black pants, casual but cute.

"Yeah thank you again for picking me up, and driving me home last night" You say turning to him

"don't worry about it, not a problem, it's nice to be with you so I don't mind," He says as he opens his door.

"Ahh Beethoven, very nice" you say looking at the radio

"You like?" he asks looking at you

"Of course, who doesn't?" You laugh

Spencer spends the next few minutes telling you about classical music, specifically Beethoven. You sit and listen, not necessarily to what he is saying but to his voice; you felt calm when you were around him, maybe even safe.

You arrive at your car and begin to get out of Spencer's vehicle.

"Hey you really should come to Rossi's this weekend... that is if you want to... but it would be nice if you came" you say turning to face him

"I'll think about it," Spencer says as he tucks a piece of hair behind his ears.

You wave goodbye and get in your car.

You spend an hour at the grocery store wandering around picking up various items. After shopping and dropping your groceries off at home, you decide to go for a drive. As you drive around the community, you feel compelled to go past Spencer's place, it is only a few blocks away. You decide against that for fear of looking silly just in case he sees.

Dinner time arrived and you cooked up some pasta with your favourite sauce and sat down to watch a few movies. Some time had passed, and you decide to go to bed, it felt good not having to set an alarm for the morning.

Your phone buzzes on the table next to your bed

It's a message from Penelope.

y/n you're going to the party tomorrow night, right? Do you want to go shopping tomorrow for a dress?

I sure am, I would love to go shopping with you!! Message me tomorrow when you want to go

Just then you received another text, but not from Penelope, this time it was from Spencer

The Longest Road [Spencer Reid x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon